Chapter 1: 'New Guys'

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Y/N's POV (Or something like that, lmao)

"Fucking Slayer!" that was the first thing you heard after waking up from your sleep. The ride was relatively smooth. "Hey, Y/N, we're almost there" you heard Sandman say. You propped your head up, looking around. You could hear Silent Scream playing on the radio, your favourite Slayer song.

The MRAP comes to an abrupt stop, a guard dressed in all black comes up to the driver. "ID" Truck passes the ID's to the guard. The guard returns and gives the ID's back. "Welcome to Rainbow" Truck keeps on driving till you are at the entrance of the compound. Soldiers training, marching, jogging, looks like a normal day for you.

"This is it, let's get a move on" Sandman opens the door and hops on out, you follow shortly. The sun glistens and blinds you slightly, you cover your eyes trying to get away from it. "Hey, get your blood running, sleepyhead. We're here" Grinch said, nudging you while letting out a small laugh. A man with a black beard walks up to Sandman, "Metal 0-1?" he asks. Sandman nods, "We're it". "Black Beard, Navy SEALs" he says, extending an arm out. "Sandman, Delta" he shakes the man's hand. "Follow me" Blackbeard leads your team through the compound, passing through several areas like the cafeteria and the gym. You see operators glancing at you with curious looks on their face. Your team gets ushered into an office, Blackbeard closes the door and a man shows up from a back room. "Metal 0-1, I assume. I'm Harry, or also known around here as Six" he says. "Sandman, this is Truck, Grinch, and Y/N, also known as Frost" Harry grins when he hears your name, "Frost eh? We've got a Frost here too, bet you'll get along just fine. Anyways, welcome to Rainbow. We will be heading to the podium in the cafeteria and I will be introducing you to the rest of the operators, sit tight for a moment" Harry presses on the PA, "All Operators, report to the cafeteria. ASAP"

3rd Person POV

"All Operators, report to the cafeteria. ASAP"

"All operators, wonder what's going on" Ash grabs her hat and heads out her room into the hall way, other operators following along. Monika runs up to Ash and taps her shoulder, "Hey, got any idea what's going on?" she said. "Nope, no idea". Ash arrives at the cafeteria, seeing 5 men; including Harry, lined up on the podium. The sound of mumbling echoes through the crowd of ops, "Who're they?"; "New guys probably?". Harry walks up to the mic, "Okay everyone, settle down. Today we have 4 new operators joining Rainbow. They're from CAG, or Delta as it is colloquially known. This is Metal 0-1. They are Grinch, Truck, Sandman, and Y/N, also known as Frost". Sebastien nudges Tina's shoulder, "Would ya look at that? You've got someone with the same call-sign", "I know, kind of cool not gonna lie". "I expect you all to make them feel welcome into Rainbow; it's lunch time, so its perfect timing. Go on and eat everyone, and let Metal 0-1 join in" Harry left the podium, turning back around to the 4 new guys. "Have fun, go and mingle; get to know the others, they're a fun bunch" he said before patting Sandman on the shoulder and heading back to the office. "You heard the man, let's go" Sandman said before ushering the team to the tables. Ash, Thatcher, and Sledge scoot on over to greet the new guys. "Hey guys, the names Eliza; you can call me Ash" she said before shaking everyone's hand. Thatcher walks up and takes a seat directly next to Grinch. "The names Mike, you can call me Thatcher, or as the rest of the ops call me, Fossil" he says, before letting out a small laugh. Sledge takes a seat at Sandman's 12. "They call me Sledge, the names Seamus" the hulking behemoth of a man took the seat and turned the seat around before sitting down. Ash sits next to Y/N; it didn't take long before Y/N noticed how beautiful and hot Ash was. "The names Y/N" he says, offering a handshake. Ash shakes his hand "Names Eliza". Sandman nudges Y/N to take off his mask, as he does so. Y/N takes his helmet off and cradles it in his arm, removing his mask and shoving it in the helmets space. Ash sat still, her cheeks getting redder and redder. Y/N was definitely handsome in her eyes, and his build just completed the over-all look. Y/N seemed nice, and Ash definitely felt something in her heart just click. She just met him, but maybe something can happen here.

4 hour time skip

The rest of the team gets their rooms, and only Y/N and Ash remain. "So, this is your room, it's directly across mine so if you need anything, l-let me know" Ash couldn't believe she just stuttered in front of the new guy. "Oh fuck, oh fuck" she thought to herself. "Thanks, Eliza. I'll come talk to you if I need anything" he said before entering his room. Ash smiles at Y/N, and Y/N returns the smile. Once Ash closed the door of her room, she just leaned back as she slid down the doors face, covering her face in embarrassment, "Holy fuck, Eliza. You just met him, you can't possibly like him already, do you?" she hears a voice, and it's Valkyrie. Ash jumps up in shock, "What the fuck Meghan, how'd you get in here?"; "I have my ways. Now tell me, do you already like Y/N?". Ash could only hang her head in embarrassment, "I guess so-" she walks on over to her bed, sitting down and putting down her hat on the nearby desk. "There's just something about him, Meg. It's like something inside me is just pushing me towards him. It's like I want something more" she said. "Well, that's a decision you're gonna have to make off on your own accord" Meghan stood up and patted Ash on the shoulder, "Hey, nothing wrong with shooting your shot, right?". Ash nods in response with a slight smile on her face with her cheeks were still red. "Maybe I'll ask him out"

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