Chapter 3: First Day

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I wake up in the middle of my sleep, my body shoots up and I wake up panting. Eliza shoots up as well, patting me on the back. "Hey, you alright?" she asks, her soft voice reeling me in. "B-Bad dream..." I say, hanging my head down. She turns on the lamp, getting up and sitting next to me. "You wanna tell me about it?" she said, piercing my eyes with her sharp gaze. I let out a sigh, staring into the blank wall. "I don't remember what happened, it was all just chaotic." I said. Eliza gets up and heads back to the water jug and gets me a glass. She walks back to me and hands me the glass. I take the glass with a shy expression on my face. "You're too kind..." she smiles at me, God her smile is amazing. I put down the glass on the bedside table, turning back to Eliza. "Hey, sorry if I woke you up. Didn't mean to-" she cuts me off; "Don't be. You're not the only that has bad dreams." she said. "You had one too?" I asked curiously. "Not tonight, I'd get them occasionally." she said. I check the time, it's 5:30 AM. "I'm gonna head out for breakfast." I said, drinking the rest of the water in the glass. I get up and turn back to Eliza, "You should get some sleep." I said. She gets up and grabs her hat, "No, I'll join you." she said, smiling at me. I return the smile and head for the door, her trailing close behind. I open the door to my room and get dressed in my ACU, grabbing my helmet and mask as well as my goggles. I put my helmet on first and wrap the goggles around it as I hold my mask. "I don't know the way to the cafeteria so... you lead the way." I said. Eliza and I walk to the cafeteria, and no one else is awake except for the cooks. "So, what do you want?" Eliza says as I stare at the selection of food. "I don't really know what's good here, so I'm gonna let you pick for me." I said, turning to her and giving her a slight smile. I ended up getting the same thing as Eliza; an omelette, sausages, and hash browns. As I grabbed my plate I got hit with the smell of the food, it was amazing. Eliza and I grab a table and sit down next to each other. I take a bite of my food and take the time to just appreciate the flavors, the cooks really know what they're doing. "So, how is it?" Eliza says before taking a bite from her hash brown. "Better than MRE's, that's for sure." I said, letting out a laugh. She laughed along, God she was so cute. Her smile, her eyes, her beautiful hair, her cheeks, the way she talked; laughed, it was all so perfect. "Maybe I'll shoot my shot" I thought to myself. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Okay let's fucking do this." I said to myself before swooping in. Before I even get the chance to say something, she cuts me off.

Ash's POV

"Let's do this" I said to myself. "Y-You're pretty cute, you know that?" I said, putting my fork down. Y/N's eyes lit up, he was obviously not expecting that. "T-Thanks, you're cute too." he said, smiling at me. "HOLY SHIT" I thought to myself. My cheeks flushed with red and my eyes lit up, an involuntary smile forming on my face. I wasn't the only one with red cheeks though, Y/N's cheeks were almost as red as mine. We were just staring at each other for what felt like forever before Y/N broke the silence. "You know, back when you were showing me my room, I noticed you were blushing." he said. "Did I just get caught red-handed? Well, I notice you looking at me when you think I wouldn't notice." I rebutted. Y/N raised his hands up jokingly, "Oh no! I've been caught!" he said while letting out a laugh. We finish breakfast and decide to head back to my room. I put my hat down and sit on the bed as Y/N sits next to me while taking his top ACU off. I feel my insides get warmer, and my folds getting wetter. My cheeks redden and so do my ears. "So, what do you wanna do?" I ask, loosening my shirts collar around my neck. "I honestly don't know, up to you." he said, facing me with that signature smile of his. I got so lost in his stare, I was practically swimming in the ocean of his eyes. I don't know how to explain this feeling inside me, it's like a yearning for him that I feel. He leans in a little closer, our faces now mere inches apart. I feel our breathing seem to go in sync with each other, like a connection is forming. "You wanna do this?" I ask softly, my breath running out at the end as I gaze into his pearls. "Yes.", "Say no more." I lean in and crash my lips against his, cupping his cheek in the palm of my hand. Y/N returns the kiss almost instantly. I feel myself melt into the kiss as I close my eyes and feel his lips against mine. He pulls away first, with his eyes staring back into mine. I smile slightly, my cheeks reddening more. "Holy shit, that actually just happened" I thought to myself. He puts the palm of his hand on my cheek, the calluses evident from his battle experience yet they feel so calming as they touch my face. "You're beautiful." he said, smiling back at me as he ran his fingers through my hair. I was speechless. Here I was, in the middle of my room, sharing my bed with who is possibly the one.

We lean in looking to kiss once again, but the moment is cut short by a knock on the door.

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