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Nicha was looking for Miyeon around the place where Miyeon left her car.

She wants to call Miyeon's number but she remembered that Miyeon didn't bring any of her phone nor id card.

She parks her car and wait for awhile.

(Time skip)

(Nicha's Pov)

Next morning I went to Miyeon's house. Looking for her there if she already home.

But once I arrived and greet both of Miyeon's parents, suddenly Mrs.Jo slap my face. "Where is my daughter?!" said Mrs.Jo yell.

My hand immediately rose and rubbed my cheek. It felt so warm. I'm shocked with her sudden attack.

"Isn't this were all your plan? You already talked with my daughter before this right? Now, where is she?!"

"I'm sorry aunty! But is it true that Miyeon hasn't returned home yet?"

"WHAT? You don't know?" Mrs.Jo ask back with her widen eyes. If we were trap in a jungle, and looking at aunty with that face, I can bet that she is hungry and wait for a time to attack and eat you up. So scary.

I shook my head to reply her question.
Mr.Jo suggest to wait for a day, if Miyeon still hasn't come home, we'll file a report to police.

Mr.Jo later invited me in but Mrs.Jo didn't let me. I knew it's not a good situation to stay calm. I excused myself to go home. Because who knows maybe Miyeon going there.

"Did Miyeon come home?" I ask Lisa who sit still in the living room with a cup of hot coffee on her grip.

"Is there something happened?" Lisa ask back after shook her head and have a sip of coffee before slowly place the cup on the table.

"She has been missing since yesterday. I couldn't find her" I heave out a sigh. I thought Miyeon was here.

I'm so confused and worried about her. This is her first time to made such a big problem. Run away? I can't even imagine and thought she could do it.

Didn't even mention or telling me first. What's in her mind that time? Does she really showing her mad at me?

Gosh Miyeon-ah.., where are you!

God I beg you, please tell me or let me know where is Miyeon right now.

"You look so tired. You should take some rest now. You sure don't want Miyeon to look at your current state, don't you? Come lie down here, I'll massage you." Lisa offered me a massage. I guessed she noticed that I look super dizzy and tired right now.

Sometime I do think that Lisa want to get back to me. But, knowing that Miyeon always around made her lost her chance.

I stare her face. She still look the same to me. My old Lisa..

Am I still has a feelings towards her?

Why I feel pity to her? Why I still feel like I want her everyday? Why I really wish to see her tomorrow? Why it happened to us, Lisa? We used to love each other, but look what happened now?

I slowly lay down and land my head on Lisa's thigh. With a soft move, she kept massage my forehead and shoulders. Like how she used to do before.

I hold her hand, "If only we didn't settle the things with anger, with emotion. Maybe we still can protect our love, didn't we?"

Lisa stop doing her works while we stare at each other eyes. Without a warn, Lisa down her head and makes our lips touch.

"Why I didn't realize that I still miss you?" I said after a tears rolling down. I could feel her touch caressing my cheek softly.

But, not long after, Lisa suddenly stopped and took a deep breath. "We can't do this. What if Miyeon sees us?"

"So you cared about other feelings?" I ask her gently.

"Minnie, we used to date before. But we already over. I like and love to hang out around you. But, that doesn't mean that I can steal you from Miyeon. You both already together and I don't have power to break you up. I don't want you two to break up. I know Miyeon sometimes act rude, but I also know that she really love you. I knew it because I used to test her before. Getting close with you to make her jealous and hurt by my actions. I could feel it. I thought you already changed. No more playing with a girl's heart? Minnie.., I hope you forget about our past. Not gonna lie, I do feel betrayed by my feelings towards you. Why did I chosed to ended our relationship? Why I didn't think much that time? But now, I figured it out, I guessed Sorn's words are indeed a poison. She could get me into such situations. I'm sorry Minnie, but you already has Miyeon, please don't hurt her. She's a nice girl"

I'm speechless. Why did I said that to Lisa? Oh my god, did I just betrayed Miyeon? No way! What the fuck am I doing right now? I should have worried about Miyeon. She'd been missing and what am I.. what..- the fuck am I doing with Lisa?

I quickly sit down. Not long after, I got a phone call from an unknown number. I turn it off.

But still the same number kept calling me.
Until one time he/she stop and send me a text.

"Your girl is with me. If you want her back, meet me at Yongsan District around Itaewon 2-Dong. But remember, don't report to police unless you want your girlfriend die. And one more thing, give me back what you have stolen from me. Give me Lisa! If you late, I'll kill Miyeon!"

I throw away my phone. I stared blankly on the floor. "Why, what's wrong?" Lisa asked also worried looking at my expression.

She took my phone from the floor and read the content of the message. She gasps while close her mouth.

"It must be Sorn!" she said and passed me the phone back. She smile. Yes she smile to me. With her weak expression. Why I feel so hurt and weak? Why Lisa?, I want to ask her that but I can't open my mouth.

"There's no way I can run anymore. She already here to get me. I guess it's time for me to leave, Minnie. I'm sorry with my behavior earlier"



Not (G)I-Dle related, but I want to share some song that stuck in my head right now..
Does any of you listen to PARADISE by Siyeon(Dreamcatcher) ?


By the way, who's ready for the upcoming comeback?

By the way, who's ready for the upcoming comeback?

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