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"Could this be my fault?" Mrs.Jo weakly ask after a sigh.
Both Mr and Mrs.Jo were waiting for Miyeon in the living room. 

They didn't expect that Miyeon could do this to them. They don't want to talk about why Miyeon left unless they want hurt themselves  by knowing the reason why.

"We have to be patient and wait after 24 hours later, if Miyeon still has not returned, we will go and make a police report. I think she had a fight with Nicha. Maybe that's why she's sulking and run away." Mr.Jo try to calm his wife down.

Mrs.Jo later sit still on her spot. Thinking of what was lacking in her treat and care towards her daughter. Although she gave everything to her. Money, love, care, education, "Does it still not enough?" said Mrs.Jo in her thought.

Suddenly the moment where Miyeon said that she hate her play in her mind.
"Does Miyeon hate me because of what happened to Yoohyeon?" Mrs.Jo ask.

Her husband turn his head to her. "We'd been promise to not talk about Yoohyeon anymore, didn't we?"

"Miyeon once tell me that Nicha does looks like Yoohyeon. Who always there for her. The one who cares her a lot. Play and talk with her. But., I'm prevent her from meet with Nicha. That could be the reason why, isn't it?"

Mr.Jo heave a deep breath. "Honey, whatever happen in future, I want you to support and give Miyeon to make her own decision. What kind of life she want, it's up to her. We as her parents should be there for her whenever she need us. Look, who she said that always with her now? It's Nicha not us. We have to accept that.., that- she love and need Nicha. We can't split them up. If Miyeon already told you that Nicha was looks like Yoohyeon, it's a clue for us that Miyeon already closer with Nicha and likes her more. Miyeon only dating with Nicha, not taking a drugs. Dating with a same gender is already approved. We should stop them if the laws prevent it."

Listening to her husband's words made her cry and realize her mistake. Mrs.Jo really want to meet her daughter and give her a big hug. She wants to tell Miyeon that she will always there for her, always give her whatever she want.

She pray to god to bring back Miyeon to her so that she will take care of her better than before. She regret for not alert with what Miyeon's need.

"You should take a rest. Nicha also out there helping us finding Miyeon. You are old, what if you get sick? We have to wait for any news from Nicha. Who knows Miyeon is with her now" said Mr.Jo to his wife, telling her to go sleep first and not to worry too much. Although he also worried about his daughter, but he's hiding it.

Knowing Miyeon left the hospital without nothing, without phone and her money, even her id card really makes Mr.Jo can't stop thinking about his daughter.

Miyeon is the only daughter they have. And that's the very first time Miyeon act like that. Showing her disobeyness so suddenly. He wish that his daughter back so he can fix every problem that has been show up.

He then heave out a sigh and stare blankly on the ceiling.

Mrs.Jo slowly going to their room leaving her husband behind. But she stop at the front door of Miyeon's room. She took a peek and fished out her hand to switch on the light on the wall next to her. She then close the door and sit on the bed.

"I hope you're fine my dear. I'm sorry for hurting you without I realize it"
After she said that, her tears rolling down wetting her cheeks.



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