Chapter fifteen: Please

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Guys I  tries really hard on my edit,heh reason why I didn't update. Really I hope you can see her hairbuts black and some is red.

Plz remember if needed go back and read. Remember about Stars curse?? (^__^)


  "Star,please open the door." Robin banged softly at her door. Star stayed silent sitting at the edge of the bed. She slowly glanced at the door. She was scared and the night mares have been getting under her skin. "Please," Robin begs quietly.

   The door slides open and Robin's eye go wide as he walks in. She sitting on the bed looking out her window to avoid contact. He sees that she's been crying and her eyes are blood shot. While also running toward her he's yelling in terror. "Starfire!Your hair,it's black!"

   Robin walks toward her as she turns her hear to check her hair. "Well this is odd." His mouth drops slightly. Her voice is hoarse and not only that.

"Your speaking...perfect English." He says nervously.

Stars pov...

  I turn my head not my eyes as the glance straight towards my hair and not him. He was right,most of red hair had exchanged into the color black.

He stills stares at me feeling the air thicken in my room.

"Umm...Star?" He asks sitting on the bed and taping his hand on my shoulder. The warmth brings a small smile,but doesn't erase the dream.

   "Yes,Robin?" I ask.

Robins pov...

  I need to take her out. She doubting again,but how. I need to get her confidence back. I need her to think I love her. I mean we.
Do I love her?Why is this upsetting me so much?

"Robin?" I shake my head clearing my thoughts that could effect me later. I see that her eyes are getting better. The redness is fading to a lighter pink. Her eyes finally finding mine.

"Star,I think we need a break." I say trying to sound happy sparing a smile. Knowing the reason why is horrible. Risking her becoming human is dangerous. The curse still lives in her. I squeeze my hands to making a angry fist. Reminding me that Slade put her in danger.

  "What do you mean,Robin?I don't understand?" She tilts her head. My hand that  is place on her shoulder gives her a squeeze. She speaking English. No,no. Why is this bringing you so much stress?

  "Lets go eat somewhere,together." Wait,what. What about the other titans?Should I tell them? Her green emeralds go a bit wide and she trembled a bit. Her head moves directly toward the floor. Her eyes leaving me and glancing away. Both my arms go to her shoulders. "Star,are you okay?Did I go to far?" Biting my lip knowing I was going to far,but she looks as she deep in thought as her jewels move up very slowly.

  Then one streak of the many in her hair goes red to root to end. It's working. She nods and gives a small smile. "That will be wonderful." Her voice sounds stronger with her little pitch in the end. "When?" She asks with delight but a tremble in her lips. I remove my arms from her shoulders. Tonight? I need to use my tux? Wait what! It's not special,or is it? 

"Tonight!" Her eyes pressure and clears her throat. She raises Her hand and stands up.

"Well then,I must get ready." She says with the tiniest bit of enthusiasm. I frown. Why is this making me feel bad?

    She leads me out but I stop her from closing the door. "You don't need to by the way,your still beautiful." I bit my tongue and flushed feeling heat rise toward my cheeks. She chokes on her short breath. She takes a look at me and thanks me closing the door. What's wrong with you! She is beautiful but-.

  I paused,I loved Starfire. I'm in front of her door she has a deadly curse that can turn her human. It takes me this long to realize?



Who likes?

Everyone yes, Robin took forever to realize he does love her.

Guys plz tell me how I did,love or needs a little work or not.



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