Chapter Seventeen:preparation

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Hey guys this is the original chapter hope u guys enjoy it...and I know I horrible for making u guys wait so long. But hope I can make it up love ya guys.


The night had consumed Jump city's sky. The stars were winking their lights down below while the moon was lighting everyone's way in the dark.

It was a full moon, and it shined brightly in front of Titans Tower where two titans were preparing for a night together. One of them worried to the bone while the other confused as ever.

Robin the leader leaned against his big window looking out seeing the moon's light fix on the ocean. Its so peaceful. He thought in his head. I wish it could be like this,where everything is normal and nothing can ruin ones day. He shut his eyes under his mask. Of things were different for him. Star wouldn't be in this mess. Hanging onto a thin rope that held her life and she doesn't even know it. If things were different he wouldn't fear of showing his feelings towards Starfire. He banged his head against the window looking up to his ceiling. Why?

He walked over to his wide closet and opened it to see his rows of endless uniforms. Towards the back he reached to reveal his hidden tux he had once been forced to wear. He sighed slipping it on under his uniform. Just in case. He told himself. He quickly combed his jet black hair adding sticky gel making his usual spiked hairdo.

He stepped away and took a deep breath and blew it out. "I'm coming star." He whispered opening his window. Looking back at the note he left back for the team.


The confused alien girl started blankly at the floor as she sat on her bed. It's just us. Robins words repeated in her head.

Does he really mean it? Her mind questioned as she stood up. She took out the only dress she owned from her closet and stood in front of her mirror. She placed it in front trying to sketch if it would still fit,but instead she got a sudden flash of light in her head. Remembering the night she danced with Robin. She closed her eyes remembering.

The night were he grabbed her by the hand and placed the other at her waist. She remembered the feeling of her heart pounding out of her chest. The feeling of the beautiful rhythm of his pace.

She opened her eyes to see a tear had slide out of her emeralds. She wiped it away. She sighed. Never again. She told her self sadly. He said we just hero's and nothing more. She reminded herself slipping herself out of her uniform and placing the silky dress on her.

It was still beautiful the strapless dress reached her ankles. It still shimmered pink. She shoved her feet into her pink low heels. She grabbed a purple brush given to her by Raven and brushed her hair not noticing her black strands. Then moved on to her bangs. She stood in the front of her long mirror and nodded. She then made a decision to leave her communicator on her bed.

"Ready." She waited at her bed looking out her window.


Hope u guys enjoyed it. Hope u guys loved it. I hope I worked hard enough.

The Star that brightens up the NightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz