Chapter Ten: Test One Completed

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  yee. THX guys I have 1k ya guys alot hope u enjoy next chapter.

    I gasped as I was surrounded by a puddle of sweat. I grabbed my throat as pain was throbbing. I opened my eyes more clearly I was in the medical ops. The machine was beeping at my race and I had a lavatory apron. I groaned in pain that my neck brought me.Was it just a dream?

     The door slide open showing Raven with a grief smile."You're awake!" She ran to me giving me 'the hug'. She grabbed me ever so tightly, I even had to give a cough."How are you doing Starfire?" She asked touching my head. I groaned grabbing my neck. She gasped asked my groan."You're burning up." She looked at me worried. She looked at me and grew a smile,"I'll fetch you an ice pack!" She left the room leaving me alone. I grabbed my neck and closed my eyes.

It's just a dream...just a dream. My mind told it self. I looked around anything I'll vet could do than just stay in bed.

  It's real! A voice spoke into my mind . Everything was real,princess. I gulped slowly.

"Who are you?" I croaked. A laugh an evil laugh went off in my head.

   Oh my dear,I'm merely you're little voice saying it's real you're dream real.

  "Shut you're glirck." I said weakly. A loud snap entered the room. I bit my lip. The door opened and he came out. His smile that I thought I was never going to see. Only remembering his words breaking me and his death kiss. I glanced as he walked towards me, and I pushed back more on my pillows ,but he kept walking to me with his eyes steady.


    The screen grew white as it showed the scene. A laugh lingered in the room."This is almost too easy." He laughed. He zoomed in leaving only the two lovers. He hummed in his mind under his mask."They both have a weakness,but both are very powerful." He placed his finger on the bottom tip of his mask."Test one completed; trick her to thinking what the boy did was ture and make her become weaker..check."He said softly. "Now test two,bring the titans together and let the white knight move it's piece and let the white queen fall. (from chess).

"Cinter block!" He yelled into the shadows. A loud crash exploded  into the room."You may make you're move I shall be there when the time is right." The creature nodded and left the building. out a photo and burned it to the ground making ashes."Wait to you see what I in store for you titans..Robin." ........

Robin's pov.......


Hey guys hope you are enjoying this book and yes I put in a little puzzle for you guys.hehe. trust me and listen maybe you see what I have in store. Heads up I give you this hint well answer......the knight is....,never mind I won't tell you nothing.


Don't worry Cy and BB will be here soon.

The Star that brightens up the NightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin