Chapter Twenty-one: Experiment

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I will dedicate this to

For being an amazing

Star's pov....





All those things were the only thing I felt I as woke up silently. My eyelids finally peeled open,only to reveal I was in a white room. It was like a cube.

The brightness caused me to wince. I tried to stand up,but I was pushed down by someone's force. I groaned in pain. Why am I so weak?where am I? Where's Robin?

My eyes widen,as I remember him,lying on his side. Robin,was he dead? He's okay, right?

"Hello,darling. How are you:" A cold voice boomed in the room. I shivered as I knew who it was.

I felt a sudden grasp at my hair,I screamed as it felt like fire. He pulled me closer to his masked face. "I asked how are you,little weakling." I grew angry,I felt the rage through my boiling blood,I am not weak!

I fisted my hand and let a starbolt grow,but nothing came out,there was no glow,no explosion. Cold sweat fell from my face,fear was shaking all over my features. My powers.

"Ah!" Pain shot up my upper arm as it was pinned towards my back.

"Try that again," he said, pulling her towards the nearby white wall. "I dare you." I squeezed my eyes hoping maybe my strength would work.

I groan and tried to shake him off,but he only pushed me deeper towards the white cold wall." You're weak,nothing you had is left," he spoke slowly.

He threw me across the nearby wall,I screamed in pain,hot tears threatened to burn out of my eyes,but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction."expect that little hope you still cling on to." What is he talking about?

"I do not....understand?" I was breathing rapidly trying to gain back my air.

"I am granting you're wish," I felt the smile under his mask. He came closer and grabbed my wrist. I winced at the pain. "I'm making you,human." He whispered into my ear.

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