Chapter3: Lesson one

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Everyone pov.

Starfire stood up with her trembling arm in her head she felt dizzy and wondered what the book could have done to her. She looked into the mirror and saw a long streak of black in the back of her read hair. She shook it of may e it was o e of beast boys pranks. She crawled over to her bed and slowly turned the pages the words glowed bight gold and she looked over the table of contents. "Wow, so cool."She flew her hands toward her mouth. Did I just speak good grammer.

"Good, moring." She gasped a d looked at the book and hugged it she felt joy taking over her heart. She traced her finger along the table of contents and paused at one sentence. How to know if someone has the feelings go and how to make them like you. She quickly looked for the page, but once again she began to feel dizzy. She looked at the clock,10:30. She gasped she never stayed up this late. She closed her dream book and hid it under her bed.

Robin pov.

I layer on my bed in my dark room, hoping star was okay I wanted so desperately knocking her door and ask but it would embarrass me and maybe even her. Besides it's bad to disturb others while they slumber. I groaned as my head could not make up my heart. I put my u uniform on and walked to her door and let out a storm of air. 1.....2......3. I knocked on her door three times. There was no answer not even a peep or a sound from the other side. My heart raced as I began to knock harder than before....nothing. "Starfire!" I began to hit the door harder,but the slide at the exact time I was going to run to the door and push it down my body fell on stars pink lavender floor.

"ROBIN!" I heard her yell. I got up and she gave me a confused as so did I.

"Are you okay robin? " She asked I froze in shock. She spoke in perfect English.

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