Chapter Thirteen: Dark,Cold,Rain.

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Photo and edit are mine u like?

Hey guys hope you guys are enjoying the book and the story even though for me it's doing okay...

But thank you for all that's reading this and thanks to Yung us I have 2.05k and I thankful....





  Rain was pouring down on me,more like a downfall of rain. The gel on my hair seem to be wearing off as it fell above my eyes. I looked around I didn't know where I was. The sky was dark with streaks of lighting failing from the sky. Trees danced with the harsh winds that pushed against it. Mud was suckered on my shoes. Where am I. "Do not worry Robin,we shall find him." A voice entered my head,but I knew that voice. It was soft,sweet and innocent.

"Starfire!" I turned around seeing that she was behind my with her hands toward her chest. Her hair turned a sweet pink toward the dark with her eyes still bright green. She tilted her head as if she stilled worried. "Starfire what happened I thought we were at a warehouse." She nodded and turned away.

"You said you saw Slade." My eyes grew I turned back around and walked forward. Somehow I wanted to find Slade,I somehow couldn't control my movements anymore I just kept walking.

A bolt of lighting struck from the sky. My eyes quickly spotted him. He was standing on the edge of a tree branch. I ran toward the tree with my anger bubbling in my veins. "Robin?" I heard Star yell for me,but I didn't respond or even turn my head for her. I jumped on the tree with Slade only a couple of feet away. He clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"Slade!What are you planning."  My words escaped of my mouth,but I didn't control what I was saying. He only titled his head.

"Patience." He spoke soft and calm. I felt the rage go through me and it erupted. I grabbed my staff and launched it with all my force.

Lightning struck down once more and he disappeared in what seemed air. I jumped  back down to the ground after grabbing back my staff. "Robin!" Starfire  yelled as lighting came down again. Slade was before me running. I ran after him. I felt my heart beat with anger and joy. I chased him into a circular area.

"Slade!" I growled. I took short breaths as running kinnaped my need for air. I heard him laugh. He stayed still as his eyes grew with delight.

"Already running out of breath,Robin I thought you were better." I threw one of my nuclear bombs,but he swiftly dodge it. I groaned in anger. Slade still stood before me,He cracked his knuckles and I slammed my fist with the other.

"Robin!" Starfire yelled. She looked relieved that she had found me,and I knew she could help me stop Slade. She was stronger and she would probably be able to knock him out. Slade ran past me pushing me toward the ground. He was going for Star.

"Star, stop him!" She froze only moving her head in all directions. Slade ran past her as lighting struck making Star jump. My eyes grew hard and stren. Starfire looked up as if she thought she had messed something. My mind had no control. I couldn't control myself."What happened!" I gripped her arm with my fist. I heard her give a small shriek.

"You are hurting me!" She began. I didn't listen. My fist gripped her harder. Her eyes began to let out tears. I grew just more mad that she didn't understand what I was asking.

"Slade ran right passed you," my finger pointed at her face. Her smile was gone and she tighten her lips in anguish."How could you let him get away!?" Without thinking I slapped her. Her face in terror as she her face turned, Her hair covering her face. She didn't move her head she just stayed there.

"Robin,there was no one there." She seems to mutter. I scrunched my nose in anger. I held her hand tighter that my hand felt numb. I threw her toward the ground and lighting struck again.

"Robin..." Slade appeared back again in his spot before. I ran giving him punches as I could and kicking of what I could. He held my fist and turned it back twisting my into his chest. He had me facing at Starfire. Who just seemed as if she were sleeping. His gripped my hair tightly. Pulling my face more higher."If you weren't so focused on me,she would have lived."  My face froze as for my eyes started to wide in shock.

"No!" I struggled to get out of his grip. Lighting emerged from the sky and he dropped me to the ground. I ran to her,with my heart pumping cold blood everywhere. My mind ached my heart thinking she could but she wasn't dead no. Slade was just mind tricking me like always. "Star!" Her body was slumped in the mud her hair covering her face. While her hands over her body.

I turned her body face up. I looked at her chest as it didn't go up or down. Her face had turned pale only the part where I slapped her had left a beating red color on her right cheek. Her eyes closed with her eyelashes locking them in. Her lips were dull.

   I placed both of my arms on her arms. I shook her a little,but I got no reaction. Her hair now reached the ground. I shook her again,but nothing. I pulled her into me as tears actually formed in my eyes. He hands didn't squeeze me to death. I placed her back on the ground and placed my hands pulling on my hair.

   See boy,all you love you destroy. I won't kill your love, you will.

I pulled harder on my hair,"NO!" I yelled. Oh,yes boy you will. I took a glance at her."No!Starfire!"

Guys some of u seemed scared it's a dream okay.....I wouldn't do that.....okay......

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