Chapter 22: Best Regards, Packard Curtis

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October 13th 1955

The morning passed so quickly and Packard was crying in his bed for the bad dream to go away, When he finally woke up he was in his bed in his own room and his parents were there in case to see if he was alive but he was still in his Greaser clothes.

PC: Wha.. Mom? Dad?

John: You've been asleep for almost nine hours son..

PC: Is the nightmare away? Is Luanne still going to be with us?

John: I'm sorry but...

John turned on the radio, Packard got up and listened to what the radioman said. He knew this all had to be a dream in some way, But soon his heart was going to be shattered into a billion pieces. Others tuned in to the radio and soon they were gonna get revelation and despair all in one radio announcement.

Radio Man: Last night, The Biggest Gang fight of 1955 happened with more than 50,000 gang members from at least 20 gangs beating up the rich delinquencies. However, This Gang fight cost a few lives in the process.. The biggest to the Rat Queens are the following. Juliette Baker 18, Luanne Peterson 15, Sandra Diane 17, In a matter of life and death they chose death.. Juliette Baker, knowing she was the past leader of the Rat Queens meant that the ceremony would have more than 50,000 people mourning the loss of Juliette Baker after she perished from a sacrifice during the fight on October 10th 1955 at 9:50 pm. Sandra Diane Age 17, She was considered the right hand woman of both Juliette and Sammy and she now suffers a cold and harsh death after she was brutally slain by cops on the same day at 10:05 pm. And finally the youngest to die was Luanne Peterson, Age 15. Made famous by the hit singer Ray Charles in a matter of months and got her redemption from the late Lionel Thomas Davidson with murder for the murder of both her parents Gina and Stanley Peterson. Died in the hospital due to several burns on the same day at 10:00 pm, She was a lost soul with a switchblade and in a matter of minutes... she's gone

PC: No...

Radio Man: Samantha Hills offered the radio station to play a track for the death of these wonderful women, we'll be right back with information of the deaths after "Pledging My Love" by the late Johnny Ace..

The song came on and there came a montage of people attending the funeral of Julie, Luanne and Sandra, they were taken to the St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church to have their funeral. Inside the church there were flowers, bouquets and funeral wreaths spread across the three oakwood caskets along with portraits of their graceful appearances. The Church was packed with 50,000 people including Packard, Sammy who was mourning heavily, T-Bones, Dash, Ziggy, The members of the Rat Queens, The members of the Whirling Wreckers and Ray Charles himself.

Priest: We are gathered here today to say goodbye to three lovely women who have been slain.. Sure, They may have been delinquents and even bruised a few people but they are bound to be in the right hands of god... Especially Luanne, She may have murdered Lionel but she only did it to get her redemption because he murdered her past parents.. So she will be an angel of god.. Amen

Soon it was time for everyone to say what they had to say what they had to say about Julie, Luanne and Sandra, Everyone said common things but when it went to John, Sammy, Ray.. that's when things went sad. Ray went up first and had to get everything out of his chest, He knew it was going to be sad and depressing to everyone.

Ray: To everyone else not in this Funeral who doesn't care about the girls, They see her as girls who won't have a bright future.. To me, They were great teen musicians I had the pleasure of meeting. Julie was the greatest lead singer and band leader, Sandra was the best backup vocalist and bass player, Sammy was a killer vocalist, Saxophone, Violin and great piano player and still is.... And finally my Luanne, She was the best piano player, drummer and vocalist and best friend I ever had... And now Luanne and her two friends are gone... God bless their souls..

John: My dear daughter Luanne, She was the greatest person I ever had the pleasure of adopting.. Luanne was a ray of sunshine that Packard had the pleasure of playing cowboy with.. And he even treated my Luanne like a real sister which makes me proud of my son... But now he's back to being an only child... May god be with Luanne at everything she does...

SH: My baby Luanne was the greatest kitten I had the pleasure of serving with, I was one of the people who helped Luanne cope... And now I had to see Luanne's death.. I am sure as hell going to miss her... She's a great girl bless her soul... And now Julie, She was like a sister to me at least.. I loved her to death like she was my half sibling and seeing her crash her car into the mansion just makes me sad... She's the greatest soul I ever had the pleasure of being with... and finally Sandra, She knew how to kick someone's butt and she knew how to make Luanne and the girls happy... If only she didn't... didn't... I can't speak right now damnit, May god bless their souls...

Soon it was Packard's turn to say something about Julie, Luanne and Sandra. Packard got up to the podium and got ready to get everything out of his chest, He knew he had the pleasure of being with these lovely girls.

PC: To others, They're delinquents... to some, they're family.. To me, They were both... I always adored what these wonderful women did for Sammy and me.... Julie was a great mother figure to Luanne and I, She knew what we liked and she knew how we wanted to be so she did that for us... Julie may have been a hard woman to deal with but I know in the end, She was one of the 5 great women I had the pleasure of being with... And now Sandra, I may not know what she's about but I know she's another great mother figure to Luanne.. She never liked me but I know that I was in her list of people who are in the neutral zone of all things.. For that, She's another of the 5 women I had the pleasure of being with...

Packard took a deep breath, he knew he cared for Luanne the most even though she loved Angela but he had to come out clean so he looked to Luanne's casket.

PC: And finally Luanne, My dearest and most kind Luanne Peterson... You were like a sibling to me.. Not only were you a friend.. But you were also my step sister... I remember the times when we used to work on songs together and after that we played cowboys where I was the sheriff and you were my trusty lieutenant... When I used to read stories to help you to bed and even sang songs with you when we were in the car.. I remember when we used the record player so we could dance to Earth Angel because you told me it was your favorite song... Luanne, You're my Earth Angel.. And you'll always be... that Earth Angel looking down on me whenever I'm down or need you around to guide me...

After Packard's speech it was time to pay respects to the deceased, Ray was guided to Luanne's casket and when he was there he quickly went over to the casket and started weeping over Luanne's lifeless body. Sammy and Packard also went to mourn but Sammy joined Ray in crying a lot on Luanne's casket but Packard just softly cried and did the sign of the cross and looked at the others who were mourning for Julie and Sandra. As the two were done mourning, Packard put his hand on the rim of the open Casket and started talking to Luanne

PC: Hey Luanne, Not only were you my friend.. You were my stepsister.. Hell, You felt like a sister to me.. Remember all those times where we used to play cowboy with toy guns from a local toy store? Those were the days, And remember when you bought an actual tin keepsake jewelry box at a garage sale and even put the toy bullets in? You called it a box of 'munitions.. I remember that... Damn Luanne, I'm sure as hell gonna miss you baby sis... Best Regards.. Packard Curtis...

Packard grabbed Luanne's head and put his forehead on hers, He wouldn't get the opportunity to do this ever again so he stayed there for a minute. Afterwards, When they were delivering Luanne's casket to the hearse, Sammy, Packard, John and even Ray wanted to carry the casket despite his blindness. Soon they watched as Julie, Luanne and Sandra were lifted to their final resting place, Packard put Luanne's belongings in the 6 foot hole and watched as they started burying the casket. After the funeral service, Sammy put framed photos of the three deceased girls along with their favorite records hanged on the bottom with memorial plaques carved from blank tin signs as Packard taped photos of the three deceased girls on a rope and made a little shrine with memorial plaques made from paper taped on the bottom and Luanne's favorite record on top. As the song ended, Packard sat on his chair and just sulked at the death of Luanne's death until Angela came inside of his room, Packard just looked at Angela with a glum look as Angela just looked back with a shocked face.

AW: I heard about what happened on the news...

PC: How do you figure?

AW: Look, I feel so sorry for your loss

PC: You missed the service...

AW: I know but you can't expect me to go there, I'm going to tear up if I see her like that..

PC: I know... I did too

AW: Hey, Come here...

PC: Not in the mood... 

Angela soon sat on his lap to make him feel happy but he felt nothing, It seemed Packard was never gonna recover from this but she knew what to say to bring his spirits up.

AW: Look, Remember this... Don't cry because it's over... be happy because it happened... 

PC: Dr Suess huh?

AW: Yeah Hun, You deserve the love

Packard smiled and hugged Angela, Soon "My Loving Partner" by The Danderliers played on the Radio so Packard got more lightened, Angela got off and Packard stood up and kissed Angela on the lips. Packard started dancing with Angela for a short while and asked her something

PC: So Angela... Are you willing to be my girl?

AW: For eternity?

PC: Yeah

AW: Of course

PC: Alright, Come on.. Let's go to Lulu the great news

Packard and Angela arrived at the cemetery and went to Luanne's grave, she was buried right Julie and Sandra and their gravestones had belongings and mementos that belonged to them. Packard soon knelt down and spoke to Luanne's grave

PC: Hey Luanne... Guess what... You're about to have a sister-in-law...

Luanne's gravestone had writing that said "Luanne Peterson Curtis / Luanne Peterson June 26th 1940 - October 10th 1955" and her epitaph said "By losing her parents, She didn't get fortune nor fame But she ended up dying as, a Lost soul with a switchblade" Packard soon stood up and as the song ended, the two walked out of the cemetery as the day began to fade and "Sincerely" by The Moonglows played as a story of Packard's life is closed.

The end!

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