Chapter 4: The Bitches are Back!!

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August 8th 1955

2 hours later

Packard sat in his chemistry class just listening to the teacher teaching the class how to use the chemistry set as Packard recognized 2 girls staring right at him. One of them had black hair and a rounded face, she also had a short waist with a well rounded figure. The other one was tall and had a face much like Amelia Earhart and Aretha Franklin combined, not to mention she hid her waist with a corset. 


BV and PD: in unison PACKY!?!?

PC: Uh teacher? I need to be excused

Mr. Russel: Sorry Packard, You gotta stay here

PC: Oh no... looks over to Bettie sitting right next to him What do you want?

BV: If we had to create our own chemical, I'd make love potion so you can love me

PC: And if I had to make a chemical, I'd make acid so I can splash it on your face

Mr Russel: Jeez! Calm down Packard

PC: Sorry Mr. Russel...

Packard sighed and continued the lesson with Bettie and Patty sitting with him

PC: God, someone get me away from these chicks who want the back-seat bingo

PD: Don't you want to do that with us?

PC: I'll only do it with Angie!

Everyone gasped and Packard shut his mouth quickly

PC: Shoot..

BV: You like Angela?

PC: sighs Yes...

BV: How come?

PC: She's the only chick that keeps me sane in this school unlike you 2 filthy hags!

Mr Russel: Now Packard, That's a mean thing to say to them isn't it?

PC: Sorry Teacher, But I have to deal with these pixie sluts every day...

Mr Russel: We can use another term than slut and hag right?

PC: I can call them bitches, whores, the devil's factory workers, witches-

Mr Russel: Ok enough, Do you really need to be excused?

Packard nodded to the teacher with a slow and sure head nod

Mr Russel: Ok, You may leave

Packard got from his seat and left the classroom in a huff. Soon Packard began smoking until he saw the 4th Period Physical Education class doing their mile. He saw Angela dressed up in a tanktop and short shorts and gave a smirk

PC: Well... Angie looks real good in those shorts...

He saw Angela and Sammy talking about Packard, He soon looked up to the sky with a dazed happy look

PC: Oh Angie... starts daydreaming about Angela and him being together

The daydreams consisted of Angela and Packard riding bikes, drinking a chocolate milkshake, making out in the drive in movie theater, cuddling in Packard's bed and Angela making pancakes in the morning while Unchained Melody by Al Hibbler played. As he daydreamed about the marriage, someone called out Packard's name

Mr Russel: Packard? PACKARD!!!

PC: Jolts up in fear and looks behind him to see Mr Russel Woah shoot! Oh.. Hey Mr Russel

Mr Russel: You ok Packard?... you might wanna put out the cigarette you dropped

PC: has a confused face Huh? Looks down to see the cigarette dropped Oh shoot! stomps on the cigarette Sorry about that teach.. I just daydreamed.. Looks out the window and points to Angela doing the mile Look at Angie... She doesn't know what she's doing wearing those type of shorts on this type of early afternoon

Mr Russel: You like her?

PC: Love her to death... She's the only chick that makes me sane in this school..

Mr Russel: I see... You wanna go into the class now?

PC: I'm good.

Mr Russel: It's ok, Take your time.. Walks back to the classroom

Packard stared out at the window adoring Angela with all her Athena like properties. Packard heard the bell and went off to PE, Never in his life had he adored Angela and her shorts. He went off a blushing man that day but he kept his cool throughout the school day. Afterwards he went to T-Bones' house where him and his friends usually hung out listening to music or playing. 

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