Chapter 15: Luanne's Vengeance

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October 1st 1955

It was near 8:00 pm, Luanne and Sammy were sitting together in her room while Julie was at a her house for the night. Sammy's room was a bit messy with lots of smelly socks scattered about along with lots of jars full of her own farts and a messy bed with lots of putrid odors in the blankets, Luanne didn't like the smell of her room nor her blanket but she could handle it well. Sammy soon got up from her bed and sat up wondering to herself, Luanne also got up but she wondered what was wrong with her

LP: What's the buzz in your mind Sammy?

SH: I feel like I should ask my rich family if I'm even accepted in their family

LP: Now come on Sammy, You know damn well you don't deserve that type of treatment

SH: I know but, I want to get to know them before I ran away.

LP: Ok fine..

SH: You got a car?

Luanne just looked at her but she accepted Sammy's request. Sammy drove in the 1950 Ford Crestliner Luanne's dad used to drive in, They made their way into the main gates of West Suburbia where a beautiful hand painted neighborhood road sign, a brick wall keeping out any intruders, a shiny mechanical black gate and the road behind them had sidewalk sections where trees grew and blossomed. They stopped at the main gates and the attendant asked who was entering.

Gate Attendant: Who is visiting the beautiful and wealthy suburb of West Suburbia?

SH: Helena Samantha Hills... Here for a family reunion

The Gate Attendant smiled and opened the gates, What Sammy and Luanne saw was a bunch of lavish mansions and manors all painted white with lots of the West Suburbia teens playing about but looking at the Ford in disgust.

Gate Attendant: Have a nice night Miss Hills..

Sammy drove to her supposed house which was a Suburbish Manor, Sammy stopped at the manor and got outside with her usual outfit and Luanne hopped out in her outfit as well. When Sammy stepped in the manor, she saw a flashback to when she was once a baby but soon it stopped after a split second and she saw her parents that she was supposed to be in.

Harris Hills: Helena Samantha Hills?

Helaine Hills: Oh my goodness. Is it really you?

SH: Yes you spoiled pieces of shit. I'm home after 13 years of staying to your husband's brother's farm

Harris Hills: Why did you run away from us, You may have walked but you didn't have to walk away from us!

SH: Don't you get it dad?! The rich kids are always the same! Making fun of the poor while the rest of our population lives in poverty!

Harris Hills: Helena Samantha Hills, We have worked hard for our earnings! And you ran away from it!


Helaine Hills: Oh Helena, Not in front of the baby...

SH: Baby?

Helaine soon carried a 2 year old infant in her hand that was crying, Harris took the baby and gave it to Sammy. Sammy was shocked at how cute this baby is and how she startled it

Helaine Hills: This is Helena Samantha Hills the Second... we wanted to name it off of you

SH: You did?

Helaine Hills: Yes, We were terrified at why you ran away from us... Now you might have a goddaughter soon

Sammy looked at her baby sister and felt an aura of happiness flow right through her with the added fact she was going to be a godmother soon.

SH: So you're supposed my godchild.. Heh.. you better get used to my delinquency kid..

Helaine Hills: I thought we would name it after you, something we could remember you by

Two girls came downstairs and both of them looked at Sammy and Luanne but she was just patiently watching all of this go down. One of the girls was a 15 year old with her hair done in a poodle cut with a beautiful white dress on and the other one was an 18 year old with her hair done in curls and a sparkling crystal dress, Sammy recognized them all too quickly but she breathed in heavily and sighed.

SH: Holly.. Heather.. Good evening....

Sammy soon gritted her teeth because she didn't want to say what she was about to say.

SH: Your fucking sister came back with the milk after 13 years...

Helaine Hills: Oh Helena, Not in front of the baby. Swearing will cause the baby to say it more when it grows up you know?

SH: Fine... and it's Samantha by the way... Helena was my rich name, Now it's Samantha.. Or Sammy

Heather tried grabbing Sammy by the jacket but she harshly shoved Heather as Harris quickly sheltered Heather from Sammy. Sammy was given a mean stare from both her father and Heather knowing she didn't do anything wrong because Heather touched her first, Harris soon gave Sammy the angry finger point and Luanne was ready to quickdraw her switchblade at any time.

Harris Hills: You have changed!

SH: So what!?

Harris Hills: So what!? You act like it's not a bad thing!!


Helaine Hills: Helena, You're making the baby cry..

Sammy saw the baby cry and she felt sorry for her but Harris made her look at him in an angry manner which made her even more pissed off

Harris Hills: Look at me! You want to be a bum for the rest of your life!?

SH: And do you want to be a fucking deadbeat all your life!?

Harris Hills: Don't you even say that!

SH: Sure, my goddaughter might like being rich.. She might tolerate all this spoiling and toiling with all the expensive gifts... AND FOR WHAT?!! Just so she doesn't have friends in the future with no sense of self defense!!!

Helaine Hills: Helena please! You're making the baby cry!! Please just cease this immediately!!!

SH: Look mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, ok?

Harris Hills: I didn't mean to, Is this what you'll say to your family you ran from!?

Before Sammy could yell at her father back, Luanne butted in because she couldn't tolerate the tension in this house as Holly and Helaine watched in constant fear.

LP: She wants to live her life!!!

Luanne was given an angry finger point at her by Harris which only scared her more, Heather just looked at Luanne with the slightest smirk and Luanne wanted to murder her for doing that


Before Harris could finish his sentence, Sammy grabbed him by the collar with the immense anger which exploded like dynamite.


Harris soon slapped Sammy so hard that she fell to the ground which made Luanne scared again, Sammy grabbed her and they both took off from the Hills Manor as Sammy's father was chasing her to apologize. As they were running through the lavish neighborhood, Some of the rich kids laughed at them and even threw glass bottles at them with insults like "That's right! Go back to where you belong you Greaser!" and "Get out of our neighborhood you hood!". They soon got away from the neighborhood and ran to a part in Amity Acres where Sammy was breathing heavily and Luanne wanted to know if Sammy was ok

LP: Sammy you alright? That was intense man

SH: Now you see why I hate my rich family, A bunch of fucking deadbeats!

LP: Wait! My dad's car!!

SH: We'll find it later

LP: Ok ok, What do we do now?

SH: We go to the park then we get the car ok?

LP: Sounds good..

Sammy and Luanne walked to the nearby park that was near Solitude, Leadership and Management High School and Amity Acres. What they didn't know was the rich kids were following them as they went to the park, As they reached the play area of the park Luanne and Sammy smoked a few cigarettes but Sammy noticed a car cruising on the grass of the park

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