Chapter 17: Uniting the Nations

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October 5th 1955

Las Vegas, Nevada

Back at Vegas, Julie got every Rat Queen to contact every Delinquent gang from Vegas to Reno. She wanted all of the Greaser Gangs to unite to overthrow the Rich Kids at West Suburbia, And she wanted to spread the word to every gang on October 3rd.

JB: Sandra, I have an idea

SD: What?

JB: We notify every Greaser Gang from Las Vegas to Reno that we're gonna take down the Rich Kids in our neighborhood

SD: Are you sure? That seems a little idiotic

JB: We need all the help we can get, We need payback for the murder of Luanne's parents

SD: I don't mean to be rude but.. Are you sure? I thought Luanne murdering her rival was enough

JB: That is a victory but the espionage is that The West Suburbia Delinquencies are trying to bring the second biggest and second strongest gang in all of Las Vegas

SD: Alright, I'll get everybody in Hot Rods and Trucks

Two days later, Every Greaser gang showed up at Las Vegas and Julie stood at a Water Tower in Amity Acres. She was given a megaphone to assemble the masses on the night of October 5th to try and make all of the Delinquents pair together and take out the Rich Kids of Las Vegas.

JB: Can you all count the numbers?! I say this town is ours! If your numbers count!..... The biggest menace of our town is the spoiled and the rich kids trying to own everything we got! And they murdered one of our friends' parents!!!..... So I say this... We have.. The Atomic Pussycats from Reno, Standing right by The Sewer Serpents from Pahrump.... We've got.. The Whirling Wreckers from Las Vegas, Standing right by the Rat Queens of Las Vegas... No gang is wasting no gang.. That's a damn miracle... Now every Greaser gang renders from at least 500 thousand members.. And there are only 55 thousand members of these rich kid delinquencies, Can you dig it? Can you dig it?! Can you dig it!!??

After Julie had said that, The Greasers started cheering for her and her ideas. A state run by Delinquents and Hoodlums was a great idea however it might crumble by the sheer force of willing manpower.

JB: Now... This high council can be made with the sheer power of one gang from another... merging into one big council of Mass Empires of Delinquency. And together, These rich kids do not stand a chance at all. We could bring all the wealthy to their feet because we got all of the power! Can you dig it!!??

The crowd cheered again and Julie felt like this was going to be an easy task to bring every gang together to make a Mafia style council, The only problem was one particular gang wasn't going to take that very seriously.

JB: One gang will run this Council! And our problem with that is the turf wars between gangs... It's about tide time we group together and form an alliance for once! As long as we continue the Constitutional Ceasefire, We'll have no violence between each other. And one of our cops is an active member of our organization so now, we have all the power we need. We take over 1 burrow at a time... Because it's all our turf!!

Everyone cheered for Julie and after she gave out her speech, She raised both hands in the air that looked like the sign of breaking handcuffs meaning no more juvenile sentences and the dawn of the Delinquent Council. But seconds later, Julie was shot in the chest and she fell 24 feet and into a truck full of hay. Every gang saw this happen and started to grow in panic, and full panic mode started when cops flashed their lights and sirens started blaring with the addition of Sparky on the megaphone.


Julie got up unharmed and saw Bettie was running off with the gun, Julie was angry enough to run after her but Sparky bumped into her on accident.

LM: Julie, You ok?

JB: Yeah.. ergh... That fucking bastard...

LM: I thought you died!

Julie revealed that a flask saved her life and the bullet was soaking up moonshine made with Vodka and Whiskey as she giggled

LM: Who did this to you?

JB: Bettie, That fucking bastard did it man..

The Delinquents saw Julie being helped by Sparky so they all knew that he was on Julie's side, Soon Sparky got to his patrol car and talked on the radio on who did it

LM: I want all cops on Bettie's ass immediately!

Radio: What about the delinquents in our city?!

LM: Forget about them, Julie's been shot by her and I want her found out now!

Radio: We can't do that

LM: I want all cops! That's an order!

At the Police Station, A lot of fuss was going on as the Dispatcher was getting calls about Delinquents running rampant all over the city. The Dispatcher told the citizens that the cops are currently rounding up the delinquents, Which was a lie and the Delinquents that came to Vegas went and hid in the Whirling Wrecker storage units for safety from the cops. Julie soon found that Bettie was using a shiny new 1955 Cadillac DeVille while the Rich Kids were putting Bettie in the backseat, Julie pointed the car out and yelled out to the Delinquents.


LM: Bring those fuckers to justice!!!

The Delinquents saw who Julie was pointing at so they began to chase her as well as the cops tailgating Bettie and the car, Every other Delinquent got ready to pin Bettie down and waste her but Bettie was being chased by the cops so it was no use. 12 minutes after what had happened, Julie talked to every delinquent gang leader in Nevada except for the Mafia knowing she doesn't want to be part of any sort of Mafia.The people who came was Joey "Big Joe" Vulcano from The Atomic Pussycats, Mason from The Ripplers, T-Bones from The Whirling Wreckers, Vincent "King Cobra" Alastor from the Sewer Serpents, Louis "Sparky" Maverick from The Blue Oyster Police Department, Seagull from The Warbirds, Luna "Lunar 52" Winchester from the Moonshiners, Jameson from the Jones Street Brotherhood, JJ "Dark Slasher" from the Harley Quinns, Lucille "Not a Retard" Kenneth from the Bizarros and a lot of other gang leaders along with Curly from The Mild Ones to represent their gang at the Old Foundry in the impromptu meeting room

JB: Alright.. Council of Delinquents Case 101055.... The attempted murder of the head of Council until Sammy comes back from being wanted in Vegas

Luna: We can't let this go...

JB: That's right Luna... looks at Curly I am very disappointed in you Curly... We all wanted to take down the rich kids and your friend does this...

Curly: I'm sorry Julie, She went rogue and she wanted you dead..

JB: Well, Next time. Put your bitch on a leash...

Curly: I can't.. She's the leader of the Mild Ones

Vincent: Yeah! And I'm Adolf Hitler or a member of The Panzer Riders!

JB: Cobra... That's enough

TM: That bitch was trying to get with Packard and now she's a dead son of a bitch!

Lucille: She got Packard out of school didn't she!?

JB: You're right...

Big Joe: I say we take her out

JJ: Cut her throat!

Every gang leader was bickering and yelling at Julie to do something, so she shut the monkey court up by yelling out.


The delinquents were quieted and Julie started rubbing her forehead thinking about what to do in the meanwhile, Curly waited for Julie to answer and so were the others.

JB: We take the fight to the Rich Kids first... then we take the fight to her... And Curly

Curly: Yeah?

JB: You're out of the council

Curly: WHAT!?!

JB: You're the lieutenant of The Mild Ones and we aren't taking chances. The truce with you is over

Curly: But, That was Bettie!

JB: I don't care!

Curly: You know what, You'll get yours someday

JB: I'm gonna get mine?

Curly: yeah!

Julie quickly drew a Single Action Army from her holster and shot Curly in the forehead like a dead eye that she was, Everyone was silent after Julie took the shot and Julie started preaching a verse from the bible.

JB: And a man who injures his countryman – as he has done, so it shall be done to him [namely,] fracture under/for fracture, eye under/for eye, tooth under/for tooth. Just as another person has received injury from him, so it will be given to him. Leviticus, Chapter 24, Verse 19 to 21....

Vincent: What do we do now?... boss?

JB: Put the body to The Mild Ones hangout.. Where do they mostly hang out?

TM: The girls hang out at the Taco Bell

JB: Let's do it...

When the girls from The Mild ones arrived at their local hangout, They saw Curly's body and they all freaked out at the sight of Curly's carcass. Bettie saw a note on Curly and it read "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth. That's Leviticus, Chapter 24, Verse 19 to 21 bitch!" Bettie was angered at the sight of her friend killed and she knew she had to avenge Curly by joining The West Suburbia Delinquencies and wait for the big fight to happen. This meant that all out war between the West Suburbia teens was about to happen soon.

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