Chapter 14: Facing off with Bettie

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September 30th 1955

In a few weeks, Packard and Luanne became the most popular students in school because Luanne got in touch with Ray Charles himself. Luanne wanted it to be a secret but the secret spread like wildfire, Now Luanne was actually being liked which made her happy. Luanne sang songs that Sammy and the girls came up with like "That's Bettie" and "Bettie's Coochie" which were loved by the students. Lunchtime did come around and Bettie was hanging out with her friends Patty and Cindy. When Luanne passed through the middle of the cafeteria, Bettie and 2 of her friends muscled in front of Luanne.

BV: You're a real celebrity in this school huh?

LP: Look, I'm trying to have lunch ok?

After Luanne said that, Patty flipped Luanne's lunch and everything went onto her shirt. Luanne felt a deep aggression almost overthrow her but she let it slide

LP: You know what, You're lucky I'm in a good mood. And you got your pissy little gang, so you best stay out of my way before I get more pissed

Luanne turned away and slowly walked off to try and clean herself but Bettie and her gang laughed at her which made her aggressive by the minute.

BV: That's right, walk away! You're bitch made because you're nothing but a stupid crybaby!

After Luanne heard that, Luanne quickly charged up to Bettie and shoved her which made all the students look at what was going on between the two. Luanne was getting more and more heated by the second Bettie was about ready to tease her

LP: Call me a fucking Crybaby and I'll show you how much of a Crybaby I am!

The group was silenced, Luanne waited for an answer. After a few seconds, Luanne turned away again just for Bettie to insult her again.

BV: Yeah, And you're just showing off because you're nothing but a lowlife jew orphan!

After Luanne heard that, She spun around and socked Bettie with a right hook, One of her friends tried to wrestle with her but Luanne punched her in the gut repeatedly and gave her an uppercut before tossing her onto Patty. Bettie tried swinging at Luanne but she grabbed Bettie by the leg and stood above her with the additional swings to the face Luanne gave to Bettie




Sammy and Packard arrived minutes later but Luanne was giving Luanne a beatdown as Patty and her friend just looked at both Sammy and Packard as they backed away. Ziggy saw all of this happen and he grabbed his Washoe headband handed down to him by his mother and started chasing after Patty and the other person. Sammy and Packard followed as the teachers finally pulled Luanne away from Bettie after 2 minutes of Bettie losing 10 of her teeth and two black eyes.


13 seconds later, Both Luanne and Betty were found in the principal's office. Luanne just sat innocently while Bettie looked like she went through a beatdown, The Principal was looking at both of them even though Luanne was innocent.

Principal Tuddy: You two.... I'm very disappointed that the both of you would try and fight in the school... now Luanne, since you were the one that beat Bettie down like Rocky or Ray Robinson or whoever the kids like these days... Why did you do it?

LP: Well Mr Tuddy, She called me names so I decided to beat me down, and she even spilt my lunch all over my shirt so I gave her a beatdown

Principal Tuddy: I see... What about you miss Vance?

BV: Well.. she got in my way and called me a chicano

LP: That's because you called me a Jew!

Principal Tuddy: Enough fighting... Luanne, Is it true that you called her a Chicano?

LP: Yes..

Principal Tuddy: And Bettie.. Is it true that you called Luanne a Jew?

BV: No

LP: That's a lie!

Principal Tuddy: Luanne... enough.. Now Luanne.. After your two day suspension for fighting Bettie along with the added bonus of racial slurs to her, We'll figure something out

LP: Ok...

Principal Tuddy: Ok... both of you are dismissed

Luanne walked off and Bettie muttered "money grabbing jew" under her own breath, Luanne stopped and muttered "filthy chicano whore" under her own breath then walked away. Upon getting home, Luanne was confronted by John and Mary. They only gave her a warning and was told to go upstairs, Luanne sat right next to Packard and looked at him

LP: Hey Bro...

PC: Hey Sis...

LP: Are you like my guardian angel or something?

PC: What do you mean?

LP: Well.... You remind me of my dad but... as my brother

PC: Oh... well I don't know.. Why?

LP: Well... I don't really believe in god but.. I think either him or a beautiful and powerful elder lordess named Gerda that I believe in gave me you as my guardian angel

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