Chapter 16: New Life

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October 2nd 1955

Bakersfield, California

Luanne and Sammy arrived at Bakersfield at 7:00 am and looked around at the new terrain they were in, They stood in a prairie of short grass and saw the mountains in the far path next to the railroad tracks

LP: Beautiful.. I've never seen mountains like that before..

SH: Me neither...

LP: As Julie said, We have to find the old church she was talking about.

SH: Alright, Let's go...

Sammy followed a pathway that followed to the city of Bakersfield, Sammy and Luanne looked at each other but they went to Bakersfield first and went to a local corner shop, Sammy bought supplies as Luanne waited for her to finish. As Sammy was beginning to check out, the Clerk began Catcalling her.

Clerk: Well, Hello Beautiful

SH: Yeah Hi... May I please check them out?

Clerk: Why of course sugar..

SH: Dear god...

After the clerk put the things Sammy bought in a large paper bag, The clerk asked for $17.50 and Sammy pulled out her wallet too and had the exact money. The Clerk started holding her hand but Sammy tried to stay calm while being somewhat harassed

SH: Hey! Keep your pervin paws away from my hooks

Clerk: Well I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a tough chick

SH: Actually, Let's go to Taco Bell and I'll give you your pleasures babe

Clerk: Alright!

SH: Now before we go... Where is the St Bartholomew Church?

Clerk: It's at the hills near the South Pacific Train station. Why so?

SH: I'm looking for something

Clerk: Well sweetie, I can drive you there

SH: No thanks, Lunch first ok hun?

The Clerk and Sammy went outside and Luanne looked at them both, Sammy and the Clerk got confronted by Luanne who was looking at them confused yet angry.

LP: What the- Why are you with a store clerk!?

SH: Well Luanne, We have to go with this man to Taco Bell. I need some grub, Then we can go to the old church

LP: Ergh.. fine...

Sammy and Luanne ended up at a Taco Bell with the Store Clerk still in his uniform and started eating for the time being, Sammy ate Burritos, Tacos and Frijoles as the Clerk and Luanne ate Sloppy Joes. Sammy finished her meal 1 minute earlier as Luanne and the Store Clerk were just eating seeing that Sammy ate her meal faster than the two combined, Soon Sammy got the Store Clerk in the backseat of his 1953 Ford and the two just started talking

Clerk: You know you're beautiful right?

SH: Yeah, I know..

Clerk: How about we get to business

SH: Sure, Just lay down and I'll start

As the clerk layed down, he fell into Sammy's trap as she sat on the poor Clerk's face and released a ghastly cloud of stink on him while Luanne was waiting in the restaurant, The Clerk passed out instantly just 2 seconds after Sammy released her gasses and he was killed in less than 20 seconds much like Richie was when Sammy ripped her Tier 3 fart on him. Sammy got back to the restaurant and saw Luanne was done eating her food, Luanne noticed a very strong smell coming from Sammy that smelled rancid to the core.


SH: Well, We gotta go now for you to see what I did to that poor clerk

LP: Oh jesus fuck...

As Luanne got out, She started gagging and she quickly covered her nose with the napkins. Sammy didn't want to tell her but the smell was already presenting itself


SH: Well... That makes 2 people I killed with my farts

LP: Oh dear god.. Not agai- I CAN TASTE IT!!

Luanne soon hurried to a trash can and puked the food she ate out, Luanne finally got herself to go near the stinking car. Sammy soon started driving while Luanne was in the passenger seat to the Southern Pacific Train Station and finally at the old church Julie was talking about. The old church was a Victorian style white with black roofing and it had the sign "St. Bartholomew's Church of Good Hope", Sammy and Luanne went inside as Luanne took off the napkins and Sammy put the bags of groceries down on the altar of the church.

LP: Why are you at the Altar if you're not the priest?

SH: And why are you with me if you don't want to marry anybody?

LP: Shut up

Luanne said that with a smile as the two laughed together, Luanne saw what Sammy bought and she saw that it was essentials

SH: 2 loaves of bread... Slices of ham... Slices of cheese... A book of Lord of the Flies.

LP: How did you know I love that book?

SH: Well, you kept repeating a quote from it

LP: Well, Do you remember what it was?

SH: Well no to be fair.. I can't remember but you did say "We did everything the adults did, what went wrong?"

LP: Yeah, reminds me of my parents...

SH: Don't worry, If they survived in the book then we'll survive

LP: You read the book too?

SH: Nope

Luanne picked up some glasses from the bag and saw they were phony glasses as a halloween costume accessory, Sammy looked over and saw what Luanne saw.

LP: Phony Glasses... use for Halloween Costumes and gag gifts...

Luanne looked at Sammy as she looked at her back with a slight smirk that made Luanne back away slightly in disbelief

LP: No way I'm putting those on

SH: You don't want to be recognized with that look

LP: No way, I am not looking like a nerd

SH: Come on Luanne, I'm already curling my hair into a Jude Allyson

LP: ergh... fine...

After lots of hair curlers and hair spray, They finally were done with making themselves look different. Sammy looked in the mirror and saw that she looked good, When Luanne went out to check on herself Sammy was in awe at what Luanne looked like

LP: Ok.. how do I look?

SH: Look in the mirror

Luanne looked in the mirror and she saw that she looked beautiful, Even she was amazed at her new look with

LP: Oh my...

SH: That looks good on you

LP: I know

SH: We might have to do something about the dead clerk

LP: Yeah but.. What do you even eat to produce a stink to kill somebody like that?

SH: Well.. My farts are in 3 tiers.. For my tier 1s.. It variates from 9 to 13 seconds worth of powerful stank. It's harmless but you're greeted with a smell of year old rotten eggs, fresh skunk spray and liquid ass. Not to mention the fact if you were to take it in the face, It would feel as if I'm blowing in your face. And it is loud enough for anyone 8 feet next to me to hear. It's my most common fart I can deliver so it's good

LP: Your descriptions of your Tier 1s just sound like nightmares

SH: Wait till you hear about the second tier. For that, It variates from 13 to 18 seconds worth of more powerful stank. It's able to knock someone out in 30 minutes if anyone is smelling it on the outside, 10 minutes if I fart in your face or in an enclosed space. It has a bouquet of Horse shit and Cow Manure so watch out. If you took it to the face, it would feel like air conditioning in a medium setting. And it's loud enough for anyone 10 feet around me to hear. It's caused eating eggs, vegetables, and dairy except ice cream

LP: What the fuck!?

SH: Yeah,

LP: And Tier 3s?

SH: Oh... you don't want to hear about that.. The most Powerful stanks I can deliver.. It variates from 18 to 30 seconds worth of the most powerful stank. It's able to knock some out instantly, It can kill someone in 30 minutes if they don't get air or if they smelled it anywhere near me and it can kill in 20 seconds if I sit on your face or in an enclosed space. It would smell like the equivalent of Uranus into one fart. If you take it to the face then what you'll feel is air conditioning at the highest setting as well as a mini jet turbine blowing in your face. And it's loud enough for anyone 20 feet near me to hear. It's caused by eating Beans, Taco Bell, Spicy food or a Philippine sweet potato named Kamote


SH: Yep, And that was the one that killed the clerk and Richie Roswell. Alright, Enough fart talk. Let's go put the car in the lake

After Luanne and Sammy put the car in the lake, Sammy saw the setting sun and notified Luanne about it. Luanne was in awe at that sun and Sammy was just flat out enchanted at the sun setting, To both of them it was a beautiful sight to uphold.

SH: That's beautiful...

LP: Yeah... It's like a baby being made...

SH: Yeah... looks to Luanne Hey uh Luanne..

LP: Yeah?

SH: You said a Quote from the book

LP: Which one?

SH: It's something about a beast... and something about us

LP: Maybe, Maybe there is a beast... Maybe it's just us...

SH: Does that mean we live in peace and harmony?

LP: No.. It means we're monsters in our own way and we believe that there's a beast when it's not there

SH: What makes you say that?

LP: Well... We're bullies... It's like Rebels Without a Cause

SH: You watched that?

LP: Yeah, Remember? At the old drive-in theater at Amity Acres?

SH: Oh yeah

LP: I looked at Buzz during the knife fight and asked Julie "Aren't we like that?"... She asked "like what", I replied "Like Delinquents... Like Buzz"... She asked me why I said that.. I replied with "We carry knives.. We Bully people.. We're like Buzz..." and she told me "No, We're a social club remember? We just act like this so people know not to screw around with us"...

SH: And you best remember that Julie isn't no bad influence on you.. She's a nice girl

LP: Yeah, heh...

As the sun began to finalize it's set, Luanne just looked at it with sheer anger but a depressed glance that gave away Luanne's softcore.

LP: When I look at that Sunset... I imagine a soul's life ending and going away to the underworld or valhalla

SH: Yeah... It kinda does... It's like that quote about the world or something

LP: The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.

SH: Yeah well.. I did some reading and.. Here's a quote, It's for you.. The thing is - fear can't hurt you any more than a dream.

LP: Chapter 5 huh?

SH: Yeah... Alright, Let's go to bed

LP: Alright Sammy

Sammy and Luanne rested up for the next day of their new lives until Julie and Sandra came by to tell the good news, Luanne felt more confident of herself now that she had Packard and Sammy to watch out for her after the story blew over. Now it was about survival and she had to survive in the harsh new world they lived in until the aid came. 

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