Chapter 1: The Humble Beginning

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August 3rd 1955

The story starts on the life of Packard Curtis, A lonesome Greaser boy who wants nothing more than to date nobody. He hung out with a big bruising 18 year old Greaser Delinquent named Tony Maverick also known as "T-Bones", An Indeginous American Greaser named Zachary Higgins also known as "Ziggy", A Jocky Greaser named Johnny Ace also known as "Dash" and finally, a dummy thicc bombshell blonde Greaser Girl named Samantha Hills Also known as "Sammy". The gang sat at the In-N-Out parking lot on T-Bones' 1951 Hudson Hornet Convertible, they chatted for a while

SH: So.. First dance of Slam since we got back in 1953.. Who's going to the dance?

TM: You talkin to us? I think you should talk to Packard about all that mumbo jumbo.. Hey Packard, who's you taking loverboy?

PC: You asking me? I'll never date anybody, It's like my religion to never date!

TM: Well.. your funeral kid...

T-Bones turned to a random girl walking

TM: Say.. who's the cutie in a maroon dress?

SH: What cut-

Sammy turned to what T-Bones was looking at, she saw the young lady too

SH: ..... Woah...

The girl looked attractive in her maroon dress, her high heels could be seen by a slight 3 inches of the girl's dress. Packard look onto the girl and his eyes widened by a bit with a hint of blushing, however Packard recognized the girl all too quickly as "Story Untold" by the Nutmegs played

PC: A..... Angie?

Angela blushed after Packard answered up and gave a slight smirk of pleasure. Angela spoke up

AW: Packard.... Hi.....

Angela walked up to Packard tilting her head by a bit and staring at Packard with her cute adored look, Packard felt this touch his heart and he tried to keep his cool

AW: So... how you been Packard....

PC: Good.. you?

AW: Good... I didn't know you were gonna be here..

PC: Well, I gotta get a place to eat don't I?

Packard and Angela chuckled for a short amount of time and Angela soon made the "So... you want me?" look

AW: So... ever thought about me Packard?

PC: Yeah, I always think about you Angie

AW: Oh Packard..

Angela starts blushing even more after what Packard says, Packard also blushes a bit with him stroking her hair once. Packard and Angela looked at each other for a longer period of time and soon.. Angela and Packard leaned in close but the voice of Angela's father boomed out.

AW: Oh! I gotta go!

Angela ran off in a huff leaving an embarrassed Packard blushing with his friends

SH: Looks like you know your lover girl from 1953 all to quick

PC: We're just friends Sammy

ZH: Good friends?

PC: Mhm-

SH: How good?

PC: Wel-

JA: Did you.... Live together once?

Packard blushed some more and continued to deny the claims

PC: No! Wait a min-

TM: Are you her little cough .... Baby doll?


SH: Don't blame you for it kid, she's one bitchin baby

TM: The fact you wrote 2 ballads to her with Andrew's name on it? Not cool kiddo riddo

SH: Maybe you still want the chick after 2 years

T-Bones, Sammy, Ziggy, and Dash leaned over to Packard going ooooh next to him

PC: Oh can it fellas!

SH: Can't blame you Packard, you did talk to the chick on the first day of school

PC: August 10 1953 to be exact, but yeah.

JA: Tell you what kid, the dance is coming up so what you need to do. Dance with Angie like you did on the first dance at school

PC: August 14 1953

JA: Yeah! See? You got this packard, We'll go there in T-Bones' bent-eight

TM: Just like old times! It's a Rod, the chicks will cream for that

SH: See? My babe's got the light in his mind to get you on to getting your baby!

PC: But... what if I don't want her?

SH: Oh come on kid, you need the chick

PC: ....... Alright.. I'll see what I can do

SH: That's the spirit! LET'S GO T!!

Dash got onto the front passenger seat, Packard and Ziggy got onto the back seats while Sammy got onto the car sitting almost on top of the guys but behind the guys. T-Bones got into the driver seat revved up his car and drove to T-Bones' house

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