Chapter 7: The New Girl

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August 17th 1955

Packard and Luanne went to school, It has been a long time since Luanne wanted to go back to school but she was ready to go back to class. Luanne went to Packard's first period where she was designated to go to, She was ready to make new friends and at least be a part of something since it has been 4 years of lost education. Class started and soon enough Luanne was just about ready to start her years back.

Miss Aberdale: Ok class, before we start our lesson I want to introduce a new student! Luanne Peterson

The students looked at Luanne seeing that she's just like Packard, Luanne saw Sammy who gave her a thumbs up and a smile on her face so Luanne stood up and spoke out

LP: Hi, I'm Luanne Peterson

Students: Hello Luanne

Miss Aberdale: Where do you come from?

LP: I am from Las Vegas

Miss Aberdale: Is this your first time being with us?

LP: Actually, It is..... It is.......

Miss Aberdale saw something was wrong with Luanne, she noticed Luanne looked down on the ground because it was her first time in 4 years after her parents had been killed. But she didn't wanna leave Luanne empty inside so she decided to ask

Miss Aberdale: Is there a problem Miss Peterson? What's the matter?

LP: It's just.... It's just been 4 years after...... after....

Luanne started to shed a tear because she knew how she didn't want to talk about her feelings but she knew she had to tell the teacher everything that had happened in her life that didn't make her want to go back to school

LP: It's been 4 years after the murder of my parents.... I didn't want them to die but I couldn't do anything about it... I c-couldn't go back to school a-and.... I just felt so s-s-sad... and..... Well... t-that's it.....

By the end of Luanne telling everybody why she didn't attend school, she started crying. She missed her parents so much that she wanted to get revenge on the people that murdered her parents.

Miss Aberdale: I'm so sorry..... I know it's tough having to see both family members die but.... It happens.... Go ahead and have a seat...

Luanne sat down, soon she was sobbing and tears were flowing down her face. Sammy, Dash, T-Bones, Ziggy and Packard all huddled up together to comfort Luanne as they patted her shoulders doing the best they could to make her feel better

PC: It's ok Luanne... We all have our weaknesses...

LP: Thanks Packard....

Miss Aberdale: Oh well...oh my. Ok class, We're just gonna postpone the project for tomorrow but instead we're gonna watch a film!

The Students cheered in joy and Isaac looked to Luanne giving her a pat on the back

IM: Nice Luanne!

Luanne just looked at Isaac and just stared at him for 6 seconds and looked back to Packard

IM: I must say, I love your hairstyle pal

As Isaac threw his palm out to slap Luanne in the back of the head. Luanne grabbed his arm by the wrist and pulled out her switchblade

LP: Don't even try it.... Pal....

IM: Hey Luanne, Calm down ok?

Luanne smiled at his generosity and put the switchblade away as she sat there and Angela approached Packard and sat on his lap

AW: Who's your friend sitting right next to you?

PC: That's Luanne, She pretty much lost her family but... I gave a family to her

AW: I see

Angela held her hand out for Luanne to shake it. Luanne just looked at it for a bit because she was waiting for Angela to say her name

AW: Angela Warburton

Luanne shook Angela's hand knowing she's being introduced to Angela

LP: Yeah, Luanne Peterson... looks to Packard This is the girl you're telling me about right?

PC: Yep, This is the girl I pretty much fell for. She's the apple of my eye and she's sweeter than apple pie

LP: I know, If she lives with us then does that mean I still get to sleep with you or your parents?

PC: Whatever works best

LP: Thanks Packard... I owe you one.

AW: If she is sleeping with us, One of us is gonna sleep with Packard

LP: Oh come on Angela, I won't be rough around him or you. I'll sleep like a baby

AW: Oh alright.

LP: Thanks Angela Luanne held her hand out and pinched Angela's cheek as she smiled brightly

PC: See? Even Luanne needs a little friend in her life

Luanne smiled brightly and Angela made a slight smile because she felt uncomfortable with Luanne living with her. After school, Packard taught everything Luanne had forgotten as a child or a teenager. Luanne finally showered alone, brushed her teeth correctly and she even dressed herself in the bathroom and even dressed herself up in what a school girl would wear. Luanne was back to being her child self and Packard taught her everything.

LP: Packard? How do I look?

PC: Like a brand new person...

AW: Wow.... you look Gorgeous Luanne

LP: Thanks you 2...

Luanne layed in bed with Packard and Angela, Angela layed on the right side of the bed and Luanne layed on the left side of the bed. Packard soon turned on the TV to the Three Stooges, It shown an episode called "Brideless Groom" which made the trio laugh their socks off. They soon went to bed with Luanne and Angela hugging Packard, It was certain Luanne was a changed woman but she is still a delinquent at heart.

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