The End - Ascension

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"You did it, Youmu!" The Divine Miko shouted.

"It's not done yet. There is a Douji still roaming about... Udonge, where did you last time see her?"

"I last saw her at the outskirts near the fortress gate... The place where you killed Seiran."

"Got it. Now let's move, and Young Mistress, find someplace safe."

The Divine Miko nodded, and flew off into the distance, as Youmu went back through the escape tunnel, and navigated her way back to the gate where she sees a huge claw mark on the ground in front of the gate.

There, she was met with a fight scene happening between an Ice fairy and an Oni.

"You are simply too dangerous to be around, Eye must defeat you!" The Ice Fairy shouted, holding a crystallized greatsword.

She prepares to strike the Oni with it, but the latter caught the blade using her index and middle fingers, and pulled her over.

The Oni then grabbed the Ice Fairy by the neck, lifted her up and slamming her back to the ground, creating a small crater upon impact.

She turned around to see Youmu.

"Ahh, it's you... Swordswoman... Or should I say, Konpaku Youmu."

"This isn't you, Hermit. Snap out of it."

"That hermit does not exist anymore. Now the only thing that lies within this shell is hatred... Pure, raging Hatred."

She then raised her right foot and stomped on the ground below her creating a small crater.

She then raised her right foot and stomped on the ground below her creating a small crater

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"I also happen to be starved... Your flesh would satisfy me, Swordswoman."

Youmu dashed towards the Oni, and tried to swing her blade at her which hits her right arm, but no cuts or blood came out from the attack.

"Is this all?" The Oni asked, before she then flicked Youmu's head using her fingers.

In an instant Youmu was sent flying towards a boulder behind her, the impact of the sharp rocks causing a shockwave that shocked her body. Youmu knelt down in pain, before standing back up.

"Try something else, Swordswoman!"

Youmu then threw a kunai, which Kasen flicked off the air using only her index and middle fingers.

"You're open."

Kasen raised a brow as Youmu then started to swing Hakuroken...


...At the Oni's unearthly huge breasts, which jiggled after each hit, but no damage were done to her.

After swinging the blade at her breasts for a couple of more times, Youmu then thrusted the blade through Kasen's throat. Much to Kasen's surprise, the blade penetrated her neck's skin, nearly touching the flesh.

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