Rise of The Swordswoman

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Beneath the Youkai Mountain, a reservoir has been built through a section of the Misty Lake, and which is connected to the formerly Scarlet Devil Mansion, now the Fortress of Watatsuki.

There, sat a lone figure with hopelessness in her face. She sat there until a piece of paper falls into the reservoir, it is a note.

'Noble swordswoman, your master is still alive. The enemy has kept them in a shed within the walls of the fortress. There is no time to lose hope or will, since you still have this purpose.'

The figure then crumples the note on her hand, before standing up slowly, walking to the area which is lit by the moon.

The figure is a girl with short white hair wearing a black headband, and a gray-white outfit. Her green eyes are as beautiful as the purest emerald.

She looked over to the path that leads to the fortress, and walked towards it until she stopped at a wall, which towers onto a cliff. The landscape sure has changed, for some reason.

"The reservoir ends here. Couldn't stop me though."

The girl then scaled the walls utilising the cracks on the stone that the wall is made of.

When she finally reached the top, she hunched over, and snuck into a patch of tall grass as she sees a couple of guards patrolling around.

"Couldn't do anything without my sword."

The girl snuck through the grass, as she hears some guards chatting about.

"I know we should follow our orders, but to imprison a child?"

"Well, I'm sure Toyohime-Sama would have her reasons for ordering us."

"I'm sure of it as well, although some doubts remain."

The girl snuck through, and see the shed that is mentioned in the note. It looks more like a storehouse for weapons rather than a shabby shack.

The girl tries to go to the front door, but there are guards patrolling. She then went around the shed, until she stumbled upon a ledge. She hung onto the ledge, and went over to the back where she sees a large hole on the shed wall, which is her way inside.

As she went inside she is met with an interesting little girl.

"Ah, you're still alive."

The little girl has monotone hair, the right side of her hair is brown, while the other is green

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The little girl has monotone hair, the right side of her hair is brown, while the other is green. She wears a red and white non-traditional Miko outfit. The little girl is currently reading a book, but then finished when the swordswoman entered.

"Young Mistress."

The girl knelt down in front of the child.

"First order for you, you need to secure a path so that we can escape. I've been hearing about this small escape tunnel somewhere within the fortress."

"Understood, Young Mistress."

"And here, you can't fight without your sword."

The little girl then gave her a katana, sealed inside a finely made saya scabbard.

"Hakuroken... The sword that cuts down confusion. Enlightens spirits while it may cause pain or even death to humans."

"Mmm. This was given to you as the successor to the great Youki."

"That Youki is my adoptive father.... Right?"

"Looks like you've lost your memories after what happened. Well, what matters now is to escape."

Deep down the girl does remember who Youki is. She doesn't want to inherit that sword since it originally belonged to this Youki. However he insisted, and because of the code that says that the girl serves to obey her father no matter the cost, she had to take it.

"Oh, and by the way how did you know that I would be here?"

"This note, Young Mistress. It told me exactly where you are."

"I see. Oh, and I have another thing to give you, this. In case if you get hurt."

She handed the girl a small sake gourd.

"What is this?"

"A healing gourd, created by a Legendary Lunarian Doctor, with the help of an Oni's power."

"An Oni's power, able to create a healing item? That's new."

"It is to me as well. I found this within the shed, long forgotten it seems. No matter how much I drank from it to quench my thirst, it somehow refills itself Everytime I woke up from my sleep. And, take this ofuda."

"What's that gonna do to me?"

"It gives you protection."

"Keep it, you'll need it more that I do, Young Mistress."

"Alright then, I won't insist on you keeping it. Now, let's escape. Signal me with this whistling reed when the path is clear."

"By your orders, Young Mistress."

The white haired swordswoman headed out, unbolting the door of the shed and opening it before doing so.

The time to fight again, has come.

- To Be Continued

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