Youmu's Past, I

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Youmu finds herself standing on the entrance to a dense bamboo Forest. She looked down to see herself being translucent, and she looked up to see herself, standing in front of the entrance arch.

"Is that... Me? When is this...?"

The current Youmu then followed the past Youmu, as she dashed into the archways upon spotting someone.

As she ran through the forests, beasts of all sizes appeared, which she slew in an instant using Hakuroken, and continued along the path until she finds a way out of the forest, reaching a small clearing, on the high ground overlooking some parts of Gensokyo.

"What was I doing... Here? Who was I chasing?"

The figure Youmu was chasing is wearing a black cloak, with a hood that obscures her head, and eyes. She turned around and took the hood off, revealing herself to be a person that Youmu knew.

"Udonge...? Why was she bringing me here...?"

Reisen then watched as Youmu then walked slowly towards her, before proceeding to undress herself slowly.

"Oh no... I know what's going to happen now..." The current Youmu said, her face blushing like crazy.

She watches as she sees herself planting her lips onto Reisen's soft ones, and hearing the both of them moaning in their make-out session.

They then fell to the ground as they continued to explore each other, and that is when the current Youmu closed her eyes.

After a few minutes, the moaning stopped, and Youmu opened her eyes to see herself, dressing back up and looking over to the distance. She sees smoke rising from the lone Hieda Estate, and ran there, leaving Reisen behind as she dressed herself back up.

"So Me and Udonge had some sort of relationship... Why am I not remembering any of these, again?"

But then Youmu returns to remember what kind of expression her past self had when she saw smoke. Her eyes widened, and she could swear that she is saying "Young Mistress!" Before rushing off.

Quickly, the current Youmu chased after her past self, who ran towards the estate, sword drawn out.

She slew every single person in front of her, who were all armed with dull swords. They were nothing more than inexperienced bandits, possibly raiding the Estate looking for the Divine Miko.

When she finally reached the gardens of the estate, she finds a figure slumped down against a tree, around him is a pool of blood.

"Father. What is wrong? Where is the Young Mistress?"

"She... Attacked. Take this... Shrine... Below... Estate."

This man, is no other than Konpaku Youki, Youmu's adoptive father who raised and trained her. He handed her a key, and Youmu took it before running into the interior of the estate, looking around for a hole the key might fit in. She then dashed over to the end of the hallway, which had a small altar.

She prayed in front of the altar, and one of the seals on it opened revealing a keyhole, and she inserted the key before twisting it.

A loud sound is heard, and Youmu turned around. A double trap door opens itself upon the unlocking the key did. It opens up, revealing a flight of stairs leading down below the earth.

"The shrine... Young Mistress!"

Youmu then ran down below, and opened the door at the end of the staircase.

- To Be Continued

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