Saint of Gensokyo

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Youmu marches over towards the destroyed gate and finds herself in a wide space. The front gardens of the formerly Scarlet Devil Mansion remained intact, although the structure beyond the gardens were no longer that of a foreign manor, but of a towering Japanese Castle.

Youmu went over to one of the flower patches which were overgrown to hide herself as she hears the footsteps of a couple of guards.

Luckily they were normal guards and not the rabbits, or else they can hear even Youmu's breathing.

The two guards then split up, one keeping going forward while the other made a turn. Youmu closed her distance to the turning one, and pulled his leg, dragging him into the flower patch, and plunging the blade of Hakuroken into his neck. The blood sprays all over, staining the flowers with scarlet liquid.

The other guard then finished his rounds, only to notice that his partner is missing. He begins to run at where he last saw him, and what he gets is a sword to the neck, which killed him.

Youmu then headed over to the main doors of the castle, only to stop herself as a group of soldiers March out, causing Youmu to use her ghostly half to grapple up to a nearby roof.

A moment later the soldiers were standing in formation, and the general came out.

"Listen up, gentlemen! We are now faced with a battle that will decide the fate of our conquered land! The Impure Fairies, and The Savage Youkai are dwindling with numbers, but they shall not conquer our fortress, as we are all strong, and proud soldiers of the Moon!"

The soldiers then grunted vigorously.

"We are Lunarians! We are pure and unbreakable!"

"HURRAH! For the Moon!"

After the lengthy speech, Youmu jumps down from the roof and plunged her blade into the general's back, killing him.

The soldiers who witnessed it were then shook, and became terrorised as Youmu then decapitated the general from behind.

"Who's unbreakable now...? Tell me, where is the Divine Miko?"

The soldiers ran away, instead of telling her. They ran towards the gates where beyond it is a sea of clouds shrouding their visions. Afterwards the white clouds turned red as screams were heard from there.

Youmu turned around, before entering the castle to see a tall woman standing in front of her. She wears a Noh Mask, and is holding a nodachi. Underneath her is a decapitated corpse of a Youkai rabbit, not a Lunar one.

"These rats are everywhere... Who might you be?"


"No answer? You are nameless, I see."

"My name is Youmu."

"Youmu...? A soul?"

Youmu does translates to Soul, which then made the woman chuckle.

"You do look like somebody I've met before... I shall call you Konpaku."

"My Father's last name?"

"So he's your father? What an interesting turn."


"I see. You are indeed interesting, young swordswoman. I am the saint of this land... My true identity matters not at the current time. There are still rats lingering about."


"There are some local rabbits visiting the fortress, under the guise of wanting to be recruited into our cause. The truth is, they are trying to take over, and assassinate Yorihime-Sama... Who is now resting. Won't you help me, Konpaku Youmu...?"

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