The End - Together

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Youmu took some time to think. After a moment she took her decision. She must not let an Oni rampaging through Gensokyo.

"Udonge. Where did you last see the Hermit?"

"At where you killed Seiran. Now go, before she dooms us all!"

Youmu then dashed as quickly as possible to the site where she sees Kasen, now her hair is grown to her waist, and she had a pair of horns on her head.

To her horror, she sees the Oni biting off the head of a Lunarian Rabbit, who is trembling while holding a dango skewer on her right hand. She stopped moving after her head is severed, and her body is tossed away.

The Oni turns around to see Youmu.

"Swordswoman... You were there... How long?"

"I just arrived. It looks like that you've succumbed."

"Hurry and slay me, Swordswoman... I can feel her taking over... I can feel my hunger for flesh and the thirst for blood intensifying..."

Youmu pulls out her Roukanken, and quickly sealed the deal. "Soul Sign - Immortality Severance!"

And with a slash, Youmu decapitated the former hermit who then fell to the ground lifelessly. Before her body fades into ashes, Youmu can hear her saying her last words.

"Swordswoman... Thank you."

"Yeah, sculpt me a grave if I die after this, alright?"

Youmu then used her ghostly half to propel herself up to one of the gatehouse roofs, and she sees the figure of the Divine Miko fighting someone in the distance. The only fastest way to reach there is by the escape tunnel that she and the Miko used the night before.

Now, as the moon shines over the land Youmu went over to the tunnel and after running through it, she opened the exit door to see the Divine Miko, reaching out to Youmu. Her mouth is dripping blood, and a stab wound is present on her chest.

" Aghh..."

The Miko fell down to the ground lifeless.

"Swordswoman of The Divine Miko. We meet again... For the last time."

A familiar voice said, and Youmu looked to see that it belonged to Toyohime.

"I will do anything to defend our territory!"

She then went to strike Youmu with a slash...

"HYAA-- Ghh!"

But Youmu just shrugged it off by sidestepping, and thrusted Hakuroken through Toyohime's heart.

"I... I..."

"Yeah, it's OK. Easy now..." Youmu tries to calm Toyohime down from the shock of the blow.

Afterwards, Youmu pulls out Roukanken and used it to behead the remaining Watatsuki sister. Her body drops down to the ground, lifeless as her severed head landed with a thud.

The flower on the Roukanken's sheath glowed, and in response Toyohime's body glowed as well before a couple of arms drag her into the ground.

Youmu quickly headed over to the limp body of the Divine Miko. In a panic, she quickly applied pressure to close the wound, and took out some cloth from one of her short white sleeves of her shirt, using it as a bandage to cover it.

"I... Is... Is it done?"

"It is, Young Mistress. We have won."

"Well done, Youmu."

"You did good as well, Young Mistress. You're just like your predecessor."

The Miko chuckled, as they remained there under the moonlight. A short while later Reisen would arrive to bring them over to Eientei.

The next morning, at the human village The Divine Miko stands in front of the villagers of the Human Village.

"Humans of Gensokyo. After some dire mistakes, The Lunarians has lost control over the land. Now here we are, to govern ourselves, just like how we did during the time of my predecessor Hakurei Reimu. Now we shall live our lives in peace, without any restrictions... Wether if they're from the Great Youkai, The Scarlet Devil, or even the Lunarians. Now Gensokyo shall exist as a peaceful land once more."

Everyone then applauded at the speech, including Youmu and Reisen in the crowd.

Later on they visited the Hakurei Shrine, and there they see the Divine Miko in front of her mother, who wore a blue and white set of non traditional Miko uniform. She had the same green hair as the green tone of The Miko's hair, although it is longer, and on her hair there is an ornament with the shape of a frog head, and a slithering snake.

They looked over to Youmu, and bowed.

"Young Konpaku Youmu. Be honored to receive our greatest gratitude, after dealing with the conflict that has happened across the land."

"I may not be human anymore, Sanae-Sama. However, I hope we do meet again sometime in the future."

A sudden gust of wind blows through the air, and several cherry blossoms obscured both of the Mikos' visions. When they faded, they see Youmu and Reisen preparing to leave.

"Farewell. It has been an honor to serve you, Young Mistress."

The Divine Miko waved her hands cheerfully, as Sanae, her mother then spoke.

"That young Swordswoman can be cocky sometimes. But she has a good heart, even overcoming the curse of the Douji. Now at least, we have peace again, my dear daughter."


On the way back to Eientei, Youmu and Reisen stopped on the entranceway to the Bamboo Forest of the Lost.

"So, I guess that's it. Everything is done, my duty and all. The Young Mistress is now capable to defend herself and all."

"Don't tell me, Youmu..."

"Yes. I have no more purpose as of now, having no one to serve under. Maybe I'll spend time wandering around, maybe I can be a mercenary, or a bodyguard. To defend those who would hire me from... Ghosts and Youkai."

She shook on the word "Ghosts", knowing that she feared them despite she being one... But only half of her is a ghost.

"It's alright, Udonge! I will visit sometimes."


"Eh?" Youmu raised a brow at Reisen's stern refusal.

"You belong to me."

Reisen's eyes then glowed a bright red, and Youmu gazed right into them before widening her eyes, and her pupils become dilated.

Reisen then took Youmu's hand, and walked into the dense bamboo forest together.

"I couldn't live without you... After everything I've experienced... Both on the moon and here. I would like the both of us to be together..."

She then kissed the Hypnotized Youmu in the cheek, as she got closer, and she had her right hand snaking over to the swordswoman's nether regions.

"You are mine, and mine alone... Konpaku Youmu."

A soft but maniacal laughter is then heard, which would send shivers to anyone who would hear it.

- Alternate End, Together -

"Let's be a happy family, alright Youmu~?"

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