Chapter 11

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(Levi's POV)

I woke up to loving green eyes. I snuggled closer to him and he laughed, probably at my cuteness as he would say.

"Your really cute when you wake up." Eren chuckled.

I hummed not caring at the moment that he was mocking me. Eren's phone went off shortly after, he cursed lightly and dug through his forgotten cloths for his phone.

"I"ll just be a minute." He kissed my forehead before leaving the room, still naked.

He better hope Mikasa didn't come back yet, what time is it anyway. I thought reaching for my phone on the nightstand.

"Alright we'll be there." Eren said walking back in the room.

"Who was phone?" I asked not looking away from mine.

"A friend." He walks over and sits on the bed . "Levi-"


"You didn't let me finish."

I sighed and looked at him. "Fine, what did they want."

"There having a party and-"


"Stop interrupting me and listen." I smirked at him but let him continue. "I think it'll be good for you to go with me to a party and socialize."

"I don't party." I stated looking back at my phone.

"Please Levi, I already said we would be there." He wined.

"That's your problem, I'm not going." I heard some sniffling so I turned to look at him. "Is this really something to cry about?"

"Please Levi, it would mean a lot to me if you did this." He begged.

Damn teary eyed little shit got me. I cursed inside my head. "Fine I'll go."

(Time skip to the two standing in front of the house where the party is: still Levi's POV)

"I can't do this." I muttered backing away a little.

"We've already come this far, it would be pointless to turn back now." Eren said pushing me towards the house.

"I think I'm feeling a little sick, I should go home before it gets worse." I tried escaping but he grabbed me.

"You'll be fine, I'll be with you the whole time."

Before I knew it we were at the door and Eren already knocked on the door.

"Guess no ones here, lets just go home." I turned around to leave again but he grabbed and pulled me back.

"Stop trying to get out of this, just give me five minutes." He said and knocked a little louder this time.

The door opened revealing a freckled boy.

"Eren." He shouted. "Your late."

"Sorry, would have been here sooner but someone was kept stressing over little things." He looped his arm around me.

"You didn't tell me he was so, never mind come in and enjoy the party."

"Thanks Marco." Eren said pushing me inside.

"I'm guessing your not the social type." Freckles asked.

"How'd you guess?" I said in my usual bored tone and slight sarcasm.

Eren gave me a look, I sighed and grabbed his hand. "Sorry , I didn't mean to sound rude."

"It's okay my boyfriend can be like that too." Freckles laughed.

"Hey Eren!" Someone yelled when we entered the main room of the party.

I felt myself tense up as I looked at all the people in the room.

"Are you okay?" Eren whispered, I nodded but tightened my grip on his hand. Eren smiles and kisses my cheek. "You'll be okay."

"Since when did you get a boyfriend, I thought you where with whats her name." He paused to think then snapped his fingers. "Petra, what happened? She dump you so you settled for shorty?"

Eren looked beyond annoyed with this guy but before either of us could say anything freckles stepped up.

"Jean, that's unbelievably rude thing to say." Freckles scolded. "I'm sorry about him."

"It's okay, he's exactly how you described him to be. I'm Levi, Eren's neighbor/boyfriend." I stated to freckles.

"I'm Marco and this stubborn ass is my boyfriend Jean." Jean looked like he was going to say something but Marco stopped him. "Enjoy the party." He said before dragging Jean off somewhere.

"Your friends are a little weird." I said when they were gone.

"You've only met two of them and Jean's more of a frenemy then a friend."

"Who's Petra."

"No one important." Eren sighed.

"Important enough for your friends to know about her."

"She's someone I dated last year. It didn't end pretty and I don't want to talk about her." He looked a little pissed. "I need a drink do you want something?"

I shook my head and he walked off somewhere.

"So much for staying with me the whole night." I muttered pulling out my phone to avoid other people and leaning against the wall.

Eren came back soon after though with two drinks in his hands.

"Here this will help you relax."

"You look like your the one who needs to relax."

"Just take it."

I shrugged and took the cup. I sipped it but spit it back out.

"What the hell is this."

"Spiked punch." Eren said before drinking his.

"It tastes horrible."

"Alcohol isn't suppose to taste good." Eren laughed. "But it's good if you need to calm down or in your case relax and loosen up a bit."

"Eren? No way I didn't know you were here." A blond kid came over and hugged Eren, (a/n:like a bro hug) and they chatted a bit. I stood silent beside Eren and drank the distasteful drink that Eren gave me.

After a while I got tired of being ignored and cleared my throat.

"Oh right, this is Armin. He's been my best friend since we were babies."

"Hello." Blondie shyly waved.

"And this is my neighbor/boyfriend Levi."


We talked, well Eren and Armin did, I just drank more of the punch until things started getting fuzzy.

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