Chapter 17

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(Levi's POV: Festival Time, I changed the way the festival was a little.)

The decoration's were something else, flowers were arranged everywhere and there where birds and butterflies flying everywhere too.

"It's beautiful." I said awestruck.

"And this is only the entrance."

He pulled me further inside the festival where we saw booths to win prizes and the occasional vendor. Eren dragged me to one full of teddy bear prizes.

"We've been here for five minutes and your wasting your money to play some game."

"It's not a waste if I win, besides it looks fun." He smiled and handed money to the guy behind the booth.

"Just knock all the pins down and you win a prize, you get three chances." The guy explained.

"Sounds simple enough."

Eren picks up a ball and throws it, missing the pins completely."

"What was that?" I said trying to hold my laughter.

"That was just a warm up, I'll hit them this time."

He picked up the next ball and throws it. This time it bounced off the table the pins were on and came back hitting him in his face.

"Well you hit something, are you okay?"

"Those pins are going down." He said more determined.

"Maybe you should stop, it's not worth it if you get hurt in the process."

"Don't worry, I can do it this time."

He pick up the last ball and throws it, hitting the pins and they all fall over.

"Congratulation's kid, here's your prize."

"Thanks." Eren said. "Here Levi." Eren hands me the teddy bear.

"What's this for?"

"For coming to the festival with me." Eren kisses my cheek.

We saw more of the festival and played a few more games.

"I'll be back in a minute." Eren rushes towards a bathroom.

"I told you not to have the gallon size drink." I teased.

I found a nearby bench and decided to wait there.

"Hey cutie, I've been looking for you all day."

I looked to where the voice came from and it was that girl with the strawberry blond hair.

"Hello um, I don't mean to be rude but I'm already here with someone so." I trailed off.

"Oh really." She looks around. "I don't see them anywhere."

"They're in the bathroom, they'll be back soon." Eren if you don't hurry up and get here in the next five seconds.

"You should come with me anyway, we'll have tons more fun." She reached over to grab my hand but I pull it back.

"Sorry, but I already told you I'm waiting for someone, besides I don't even know your name."

She smiles softly. "My name is-"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take so long Levi." Eren finally showed up.

"It's about time brat, see I told you I was waiting for someone."

"Why would you come here with him?" The girl asked in distaste.

"Because I'm his boyfriend." Eren answers for me.

"Ha, so the rumor's saying you switched teams is true." She cackled.

"Let's go Eren before something bad happens." I glared at the girl.

We walked away from her and thankfully she didn't follow us.

"That bitch." Eren muttered.

"Do you know her?" I asked.

"That was Petra, my ex." Eren sighs.

"Should I be worried."

"Nah, she's tiny, the only vicious thing about her is her mouth."

"Wait here a second."

"Really, after what just happened."

"I'll just be a minute."

He left and came back like he said but he had something behind his back.

"What are you hiding?"

"First close your eyes and no peaking."

I did what he said and hugged the teddy he gave me earlier.

"This better be good."

I feel something light be draped around my neck.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."

I looked down at what he put around my neck instantly. It was a necklace with a crystallized flower as the pendent.

"It's beautiful Eren." I kissed his lips.

We went back to grandma's after that because it was starting to get late.

(a/n: We're almost there yay. I just had to say this one little thing though, I don't hate Petra or any character for that matter, I just needed someone to be the bitch. Sorry.)

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