Chapter 20

414 22 1

(Eren's POV)

After Mikasa gave me some medicine, feed me soup, and I got more rest, I felt a lot better.

Mikasa would make an amazing nurse.

I checked the time, it was around the time for Levi to come home. I went downstairs to wait for him with Mikasa.

"What are you doing up." She said, immediately making me sit down on the couch and checking to see if I still had a fever.

"I'm fine Mikasa, I feel a lot better thanks to your nursing skills." I laughed.

"Your fever did come down, but you should still be resting."

I sighed in defeat as she made me lay on the couch and went into the kitchen. I heard my phone go off and after making sure the coast was clear I checked it.


Hey dude didn't see you at school today, what gives

How did Jean and I exchange number's, all we do is fight.

My Reply:

Did you actually miss me that much


1st I didn't miss you, Marco just got worried when I said you weren't in english. 2nd you missed something today that you have to know about.

My Reply:

What happened, did someone mistake you for a horse again.


Ha ha your so funny

My Reply:

I know


But seriously I saw Levi and Petra talking together and they kissed.

My Reply:

This is a sick joke right? Levi wouldn't do something like that

The next message had a picture attached to it. I dropped my phone not believing what I just saw and as if on cue Levi walked through the door.

"Hey Eren, you feeling better?"

"Don't talk to me!" I snapped and ran past him.

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