Chapter 9

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(Eren's POV)

We walked in Levi's house and I put my stuff down by the door.

"Mikasa, we're home!" Levi yelled.

"Levi, have you seen my keys?" She shouted back walking in the entry way.

"Did you check the wall where it says keys?" He points the the wall behind her and there was a set of keys on one of the hooks.

"Thanks." She grabbed her keys and jacket.

"Where are you going?" Levi asked.

"I got called into work and I wont be back till late tonight. There's some money on the fridge if you get hungry." She kissed both of our heads and waved goodbye to us.

There was an awkward silence after she left, as neither of us knew what to do next.

"Uh, want to watch a movie?" I finally asked.

"Okay." Levi said softly. "Go put in a movie and I'll order the pizza."

I went to the living room and looked through their movies. They had a wide verity of horror, comedy, action..etc, but what really shocked me was the my little pony section.

How many times have I looked through these movies and never once seen these until now. I thought reaching to grab one.

"Eren what do you want on your pizza? Levi asked walking in the room.

I jumped and pulled my hand back. "Whatever's fine, I'll eat anything."

He rolled his eyes and left again to finish ordering the pizza.

I sighed and went back to look over the pony DVD's. I picked one that had a snowy cover.

"Winter wrap up?"

"That's a good one, but I also like the one where pinky throws a birthday party for her pet." Levi said asking up to me.

I jumped again and almost dropped the DVD.

"I didn't know you were a pony fan."

"That's not a problem is it?"

"Not at all, I think it's cute." I kissed his head. "If we watched this will you sing along with them?"

"No." He said lightly blushing.

I laughed and he shot me a glare.

"Let's watch it anyway, I want to see how cute you are when watching you r favorite show."

I put in the disk that said season one and joined Levi on the couch.

Half way through watching the first episode I casually looked at Levi. He had his knees up to his chest with his arms wrapped around them. He looked like a little kid watching their favorite morning cartoon. It got to the point where I was only watching him and he was actually humming the songs as they sang them.

After a while he noticed I was watching him and his face turned bright red.

"Why are you starring at me?"

"You look so cute, I couldn't help it."

"I'm not cute."

"Your even cuter when you deny it."

"Shut up." He through a couch pillow at me, I caught it so he tackled me and pinned me to the couch. "I'm going to make you pay for calling me cute."

"What are you gonna do cutie?" I teased.

"That's it Jaeger, you asked for it!"He snapped.

We started to wrestle a little, I somehow got on top and had him pinned.

"I thought you were going to make me pay." I taunted.

He flipped us over so he was on top again.

"Don't get cocky brat."

I reached up and pecked his lips. He stopped me from pulling away and we started to make out. My vision started to get hazy and I unconsciously moved my hands to Levi's butt.

"Eren." He gasped when we broke the kiss. I started kissing his neck. "Eren!" He said more clearly this time.

"Hmm?" I hummed and started sucking on a weak spot I found a moment ago.

"Eren." He moaned this time.

"Getting a little excited." I teased.

He growled and got off of me pulling me up with him and dragging me to his room.

(a/n: I got the pony thing because my brother is a brony and I just think that's adorable. The episodes mentioned are some of my favorites. Smut next chapter.)

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