Chapter 6

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(Levi's POV)

This is the first time I heard about his father. Except for his mom, we never talked about our parents. Eren looked taken back by the news and didn't say anything.

"Isn't it wonderful sweetie, after almost a year without he's coming back home." Eren's mom said wiping away some of her tears.

Eren still didn't say anything or look at anyone, he just left.

"Eren?" I said just before the door closed. I looked back at Eren's mom and her smile was gone, replaced by a worried look.

"I wonder if he's still mad about what happened last time they saw each other." She said watching the door.

"I'll go talk to him." I stood up and walked over to the door, leaving the rest of them in silence.

I checked around the neighborhood first. He wasn't anywhere around so I figured he ran off somewhere. I made my way into town trying to think of where he might have gone. I walked passed the coffee shop he made me come to.

"What the hell." I said and walked inside. I looked around to see if I could find him here. And there he was in the corner with his arm folded on the table and resting his head lazily on them.

I took the seat in front of him without saying a word.

"I'm sorry." His voice was strained.

"What happened, between you and him?"

"We never really got along before and he wouldn't approve." He glanced at me then back at the table. "He wouldn't like that your my boyfriend, or that I have a boyfriend."

"Everyone else accepts us, I don't think we need to worry about him."

"But it's my dad, the last time I saw him we fought and he threatened to send me away, to reform me."

"He can't do anything without telling your mom first and there's no way she would let him do that."

"He still might do something."

"Let's go back, the other's are pretty worried since you suddenly left."

"I don't want to go back." Eren Pouted.

"Don't be a brat." I got up and grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the coffee shop.

"But I don't want to go." He complained and resisted me.

"We need to let them now that your okay."

"Then send them a message or call them, I'm not ready to go back yet."

"I guess if you really don't want to go back home yet we could have a date instead." He stopped struggling.

"I'd like that."

"Just let me send a quick test to Mikasa."

Message to Mikasa:

Eren's with me now, we'll be home later.


Where are you? What are you doing? Do you need me to come pick you up?

My Reply:

We're fine, in town, no we can walk, STOP BABYING US!

I chose to ignore the next message because I already knew what it would say.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked putting my phone back in my pocket.

Eren thought for a moment.

"Movie? I heard there's a good one playing now."

"What's it called?"

"I forget, but it's got action, humor, adventure, and some romantic parts."

"Sounds good."I said as we began to walk to the theater.

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