Chapter 8

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(Eren's POV: Combined 8 and 9)

My dad's coming home today. I was in the middle of packing my bag when my mom walked in.

"Shouldn't you give him a chance, you haven't seen or spoken to each other in over a year."

"It's better this way." I stuffed a few more items in my bag before closing it. "I don't want to see him and I'm almost certain he doesn't want to see me."

There was a loud knock that came from the front door.

"That's probably Levi." I walked down stairs and answered the door. "Hey Levi-" I instantly froze when I realized who it was.

"It's been a while hasn't it son." He smiled towards me.

I stepped to the side so he could come in.

"Welcome back dear." Mom said coming down the stairs.

They had their reunion as I saw Levi coming over.

"Levi's here so I'll see you later."

"Whoa, hold your horses young man. Who is Levi?" My dad asked.

"Hey Eren." Levi walked up to me and pecked my cheek.

"Levi you just kissed me in front of my dad." I whispered to him.

We looked over to my parents, mom being her usual happy self but dad looked ready to kill.

"Kitchen now." My father demanded.

I looked back at Levi before reluctantly following my father in the kitchen.

"Who is that boy?" He asked once the door shut.

"My boyfriend." I hardly whispered."


"Before you say anything let me say that he's really good to me. He helps me with my homework and makes me clean my room way too much.

My father sighed and gestured me to sit down.

"I'm sorry Eren." I looked at him in shock. "For that fight we had last time and what I told you before. I thought is was a phase but I was wroung."

"So your not mad and I can stay with him."

"I still have to approve of him, make sure he's good enough for my boy."

I was so happy I gave him a hug. "Thanks dad, I know you'll like him."

We walked out of the kitchen to the living room where Levi was talking to my mom. They stopped and looked at us, I ran to Levi and hugged him.

"I take it went well."

"It's not over yet, come with me boy." Dad said in a strict and cold manner, probably to shake Levi up a bit.

"Don't worry he just wants to talk."I smiled and kissed his cheek.

He followed my dad in the kitchen shortly after.

(Levi's POV)

I stood in the kitchen waiting for Eren's dad to say something.

"So your dating my son." He finally said after fifteen minutes.


"For how long?"

"Month in a half."

"How long have you known each other?"

"Since I move in next door with my sister, month or two before school started."

"He says you help him a lot, what exactly do you help him with."

"His homework mostly, he's not the brightest especially in math. But he's help me more, I'm not exactly sociable and he's helping with that."

"Hmm, what are your intention's with him?"He asked getting more serous then before.

"I don't know, we've only been going out for a short time and I don't want to rush him into anything he's not ready for, but I hope to someday to get married and live together in a house or small apartment."

"You've thought about this a lot." He smiled.

"Maybe just a little." I shyly said looking at my shoes.

He laughed and pulled me in a half hug.

"You're alright." He laughed again but then got really serious and looked me dead in the eyes. "But if you ever hurt my son I will kill you."

I actually felt fear and it must have showed because he laughed and patted my back hard.

"I'm only kidding, let's go back to Carla and Eren now."

We walked into the living room again and Eren shot up from the couch and hugged me.

"Oi, you almost tackled to the floor."

"I want that too." He cried.

"Want what?" I asked confused.

"To be married and live together with you someday."

I blushed but smiled and hugged him back, Eren's parent's smiling approvingly at us.

"Can I still stay over at Levi's house?" Eren asked turning to his parents and still hugging me.

"I don't see why not, just remember to behave." Eren's mom said.

"Wait a minute, aren't they a little young to be sleeping in the same house together?" Eren's dad asked.

"They aren't children anymore and they're very responsible. It's better to let them go then to try and stop something that's can't be stopped." Eren's mom answered. "It's not like there's a chance either of them could get pregnant anyway, though they would make the cutest baby."

Eren's face resembled a tomato and I had to stifle a laugh.

"I wonder if Hanji could help with that."

"Mom." Eren whined covering his face.

"Don't be embarrassed Eren, I would gladly bare your child." I openly teased.

Eren glared at me.

"All joking aside I think it's still to early for you two to sleep together." Eren's dad said.

"Please dad we'll be really good and not cause any trouble I promise."

Eren, a long with his mother for some reason, gave him the puppy face.

"Alright fine, you can stay with him."

"Yes thank you daddy." Eren hugged him.

He hugged his mom and grabbed his stuff and we left.

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