Chapter 25

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(Eren's POV)

"Bye, I'm leaving for school." I kissed my mom and hugged my dad.

"Have a good day at school dear." Mom said as I was walking out the door.

I ran next door and almost knocked Mikasa down as she was leaving.

"Sorry Mikasa."

"It's okay." She ruffled my hair and got in her car.

I walked in the house expecting to see Levi or hear him but I didn't.

"That's weird, he's usually up and waiting for me by now." I went upstairs to his room, but he wasn't there either. "Did he go to school already?"

"Are you going to stand there all day?" I jumped and turned around.

"Don't do that!" He smirked and walked in his room to grab his stuff. "Where were you anyway?"

"Bathroom, lets go before we're late."

"You're cranky today, did you miss sleeping with me?" I half joked but I was a little concerned, given the even that happened yesterday.

"It's too cold when your not around."

"So I'm just a walking heater for you?" I smirked and looped my arm around him as we walked to school.

"Among other things." He put his arm around my waist.

(Time skip to the end of school)

He's late. He's never late for anything, what if something happened to him. He was a little sluggish this morning. Damn it, why didn't I met him after class ended. I was worried because I've been standing outside the school waiting for Levi for fifteen minutes now.

I was starting to pass back and forth debating on to go after him or keep waiting when my phone went off.


Got detention for falling asleep in class, go home without me. don't know when this bitch will let me leave

My Reply:

I've already waited this long I can wait a little longer


What happen to showing your parents you can be responsible

My Reply:

I'm still being responsible, you know the cafe near the school.


You mean the one where we had our first date.

My Reply:

I thought the dinner and movie was our first date


That was after we got together

My Reply:

Whatever, meet me there when you get out of jail


Don't spoil your dinner on sweets

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the cafe about a block away from the school.

"Welcome to Lil Titan Cafe." The employee greeted when I walked through the doors.

"Hello, can I just get a small mocha cappuccino?"

"Coming right up, that will be $3.50."

I handed them the money and they put it in a draw and started making my drink.

"Is working in a cafe fun?" I asked and immediately felt stupid for asking.

"It pays for my classes." The employee shrugged and turned around with my beverage. "We're hiring right now if you want to see for yourself though."

"But I'm still in high school."

"That doesn't matter, I'm guessing your at least sixteen right?"

I nodded. "I'm seventeen."

"Then your old enough to work if you want the job, application's are on the wall over there."

"Thank you." I grabbed my cappuccino and walked over to the wall and took an application before sitting down at a table.

I started to read it and fill it out. I finished it quickly since I didn't have to much info to write down and handed it to the employee.

"What will happen if I get the job?"

"We'll put you on our payroll and start training you, you'll still get time with friends and family if that's what your worried about." They said looking over my application. "And from what I've seen so far you have the job, congratulations."

"Doesn't the manager or someone make that decision?"

"Your talking to her, well co-manager. My name is Isabel and I'm in charge of hiring and training new people." She held out her hand and I shook it.

"So I have the job then?"

"Yep, you can start next week." She smiled.

The door opened and Levi walked in. I instantly rushed to him and gave him a hug.

"I got a job Levi!"

"When did that happen?"

"Just now, I start working here next week."

"I'm happy for you." He kissed me and hugged me back.

"Oh, Eren." We both turned around to face Isabel. "Your boyfriend can work here too."

(a/n: I'm so sorry this is taking a lot longer to finish editing then I wanted it to, but we're really close to the end again few more chapters I think. I'm just really busy with the other story I'm working on and I'm in the middle of making a cover for it too. Then there's games, work, and family things, but I'm working on everything every chance I get I promise.)

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