Chapter 12

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(Eren's POV: I combined two chapter's again so it maybe a little long.)

"Levi that's your fifth cup in five minutes."

"Sixth, you forgot about the one I took from you again." His words were slurred.

"I think you've had enough, what would Mikasa say if she saw you like this?"

"How could you be so irresponsible, drinking an your age and getting like this." Levi mocked trying to sound like Mikasa.

"This is serious, I think we should go home before something bad happens."

"Don't be a party pooper, nothing bad will happen."

"That's exactly what someone says before something bad happens."

"Where did blondie go."

"Armin left a while ago and we should be get going to." I reached to grab him but he moved away from me.

"I'm not ready." He pouted, which was cute.

"Levi." I sighed and rubbed my head.

"Hey Eren, want to see a trick."

"No we need to- HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET UP THERE!?" Levi was balancing himself, as best as he could while drunk, on the railing of the staircase. Everyone left at the party was watching him and some even had there phones out. "Get down from there before you hurt yourself!"

"Alright mom." Levi sassed.

I rolled my eyes but gasped when he jumped of and flipped somehow landing on his feet.

"I have to admit that was impressive."

"Want to see me do it again?" He turned around to run back up the stairs but I grabbed him before he could.

"I think once was enough." Levi pouts again. I lifted him over my shoulder ignoring everyone's disappointed groans. "Hey Marco, thanks for the party." I yelled over my shoulder before carrying my intoxicated boyfriend outside.

"I can walk by myself, damn brat." Levi struggled to get down.

"I don't trust you to walk home, besides we'll get there faster if I carry you."

"Then at least change the way your carrying me, this way is really uncomfortable."

I sighed and switched to carrying him bridal style.

"Better?" He nods and buries his face in my chest. "I'm never letting you drink again."

"When we get back do you want to do it again?"

"I think you've had enough for one day."

"But I'm hard."

"How are you- never mind I don't want to know. We'll deal with it when we get back."

"Oh, I just remembered something."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Mikasa got home hours ago and has been blowing up my phone for a while now."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner." I panicked.

"Calm down, I sent her a message a while ago."

"What did you send her?"

"We went for a walk be back later, something like that."

I relaxed a bit until we got back and I saw Mikasa standing outside.

"Sorry we're late, guess we lost track of time."

"At the party you didn't bother to tell me you were going to."

"How did you know about the party?"

"Levi sent me a message along with a few pics."

I glared at Levi.

"Ops." He smiled and laughed.

"Is he drunk?"

"Calm down Mikasa, I've only had a few drinks." Levi hiccups.

"You shouldn't of had any, you're still minors." She sighed. "Just get upstairs and go to bed, I'll deal with the two of you in the morning."

"Okay." I said with my head low.

I carried Levi to his room and helped him in his bed. I removed his shoes and cloths, except for his boxers and did the same for myself, sliding into bed next to him.

(Time skip to morning: Levi's POV)

I woke up with a throbbing headache and an overwhelming feeling of nausea. I groaned sitting up and looked around, Eren wasn't in the room. I got out of bed and managed to make it to the bathroom without loosing it but lost it soon after getting there.

After throwing up and cleaning up a little I felt a little better and walked to the living room where Mikasa was lecturing Eren.

"How could you be so irresponsible?"

"Shut up Mikasa, your to loud." I stated coldly.

"And you." She turns her attention to me. "How could you do something so reckless?"

"Don't be mad at Levi, it's all my fault. I'm the one that pressured him into going to the party and drink." Eren said his voice full of guilt.

Mikasa turn's back to him then sighs.

"At least you came home safely, but you guys are grounded for a whole year."

I clicked my tongue and joined Eren on the couch, sitting on his lap and resting my aching head on his shoulder. I heard Mikasa hum and leave the room.

"I thought you would be mad at me to, or at least be bed ridden for the day." He said stroking my face.

"It would take to much energy to be mad at you and I didn't want to be alone in my room all day."

Eren laughs and kisses my head.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

"After the blond kid it's all blurry images and flashes."

"I'm never letting you drink again."

"Was I really that bad?"

"I feel like I saw how you were when you were a little kid, and I can see why Mikasa nags you so much now, you were a little demon." He laughs again.

"Thanks for putting up with me last night, you would make a great dad someday."

"You really think so." Eren blushed.

"I know so." I said before kissing him.

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