Chapter 23

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(Levi's POV)

Eren has been acting strange lately, ever since that day he got the letter from his parents a few weeks ago. He's always deep in thought and spacing out.

"Eren." He hummed. "What are you thinking so hard about?"

"I don't know, what ever you want to do." He answers.

"Eren!" I snapped.

He jumped and focused on me. "What?"

"Why are you spacing out all the time?"

"I don't space out."

"You just did idiot." I rolled my eyes. "If somethings bothering you then tell me."

He looked at me for a long time then took a deep breath.

"I think we should break up."

"Why do you want to break up? I thought we were happy, I thought that you loved me." I started to panic and hyperventilate.

"I do love you and you make me happy just being with you everyday." Eren soothed. "But I can't be with you anymore."

"Why?" He pulls out a folded up piece of paper and hands it to me. I looked at him before unfolding the paper and reading what was on it, it was the letter from his parents.

What the letter said:


We hope you're well and having fun staying with Levi. Traveling around and seeing so many countries is so amazing. We've been to so many places I could write a book and it still wouldn't be enough.

But enough about that, we have big news. Your father got a permanent job at a company were he doesn't have to travel all the time. It's in Germany and we'll be moving in three months.

We'll tell you more about it when we come back, which will be about a month.

We love you,

Mom and Dad

After I read the letter I looked back at Eren.

"Your moving!?" My voice cracked and I was furious. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!"

"Would it have changed anything if I had! I'd still be moving and we'd still break up because of it!" Eren yells back.

"No your right, it probably wouldn't have changed anything, but you still should have told me."

"I'm sorry okay, it's not like I want any of this."

"We don't have to break up, we can talk to your parents and maybe work something out. " I grabbed his hand and brought it to my cheek. "Please Eren."

Mikasa walks in the room before he could answer.

"Sorry but your parents are here." She said in a soft apologetic voice.

"Goodbye Levi, I'll see you tomorrow." Eren kisses my cheek then leaves.

"How much do you know?" I ask when I hear the front door close.

"Enough." Mikasa says sitting next to me. "What are you going to do?"

"What can I do? What if no matter what I did he still moves with his parents." I face my sister with tears in my eyes and hugged her. "I don't want to lose him but I don't know how to keep him here."

"It will be okay, things will work out." She soothed hugging me back.

I was losing consciousness as I was calming down. Mikasa picked me up and took me to my room.

"Eren." I said half asleep.

I feel lips kiss my forehead. "Everything will be okay."

(a/n: If you've read this before I stated editing, I took out the lullaby. Sorry if I'm confusing anyone with these.)

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