Chapter 24

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(Eren's POV)

I didn't want to upset Levi like that, but it was unavoidable. If I move then it would be better if we break up, but it almost killed me to tell Levi that.

"Did you have fun while we were gone?" Mom asks.

"Yeah we had a lot of fun, but it probably wont be like that again?"

"What make you say that?"

"I don't know, maybe because your making me move to another country!" I snapped.

"Don't raise your voice to your parents." Dad snapped back, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Eren we're not forcing you to move with us, you are almost eighteen after all." Mom says gently.

"But in the letter you said-"

"I said that we would talk more about this when we came back." She smiled.

"Then I can stay here, with Levi?"

"If you can prove to us that you can be a responsible adult while balancing school." Dad explained.

"However if you slip up again, like what you pulled at that party, we will be taking you with us." Mom said in a strict tone.

"I promise I'll work extra hard and make you both proud." I hugged both of my parents and ran upstairs to my room.

First I got to get my homework done, I can't wait to tell Levi tomorrow.

(Levi's POV: around 4 in the morning)

It's dark and I'm alone.

"Levi." A voice calls out to me.

"Who's there?" I looked around but only saw darkness.

"Levi." The voice calls again.

"Eren? Where are you?"

"Why did you let me leave, didn't you care about me?"

"Of coarse I care, I love you. Tell me where you are."

"You didn't care otherwise you wouldn't have abandoned me."

"I didn't abandon you, tell me where you are!" I demanded but didn't get a response. I started to run in a direction.

"Eren!" I was in my room now with Mikasa sitting beside me.

"It's okay it was just a dream."

"Where's Eren?" I asked still half confused from the dream.

"I'm hoping at home in bed." She chuckled. "Go back to sleep it's still early."

She kisses my head and leaves. I reached for my phone, even thought he's probably asleep I want to talk to him.

My message:

Are you awake?

I waited a few minutes and nothing happened.

I thought as much. I put my phone back and got a message the next second.


Are you having trouble sleeping.

My Reply:

No just wanted to talk.


Can it wait a few hours it's still early

My Reply:

Just answer me one thing, Are we still together?


Yes, I'm sorry I scared you like that. I scared my self too.

My Reply:

Idiot, I love you


I love you too.

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