Chapter 2

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(Eren's POV)

He kissed me! I can't believe he would go that far. I thought starring in the direction he left in.

I slowly walked to my house where my mom greeted me at the door.

"How was the Levi's tutoring, learn anything new?" She smiled.

Crap, did she see what happened?

"Yeah, Levi's an amazing tutor. I'm actually kind of tired though, I think I'm just going to go to bed." I started walking up the stairs to my room.

"Okay goodnight sweetie, oh and before I forget invite Levi to dinner tomorrow."

"Why?" I turned back to look at her.

"Since you two are a thing now we should celebrate."

I almost collapsed on the stairs.

"We're not together!" I squeaked in a panicked voice. "Levi was just playing around or something."

"Well what ever happened, you should still ask him to dinner." She laughed and walked in the kitchen.

I ran up to my room putting my stuff on my desk and crashed on my bed.

Why does he tease me like that? Am I the only one he teases in that way? As far as I know I'm the only one he talks to but he could have other friends from before he moved here.

I picked up my phone ready to ask Levi these question's when I saw I had a message from him.


Sorry, I didn't mean to go that far and I hope we can still be friends.

My Reply:

Mikasa's making you do this, isn't she?


Yes, she saw us through the window and when I said we weren't actually together she told me to apologize.

My Reply:

So you're not sorry?


Only if you're upset by it ;)

My Reply:

I'm not upset


So you wouldn't mind if it happens again?

My Reply:

Will it happen again?

It took longer for him to respond this time.


Go out with me

I felt a surge of emotions at once.

Levi just asked me out. Does that mean he likes me? What do I do? What do I say? I panicked before taking a deep breath to calm myself down again.

My Reply:


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