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(Levi's POV)

After dinner with Eren and his mom, which was more fun then I let showed, I went back home.

"Your home late, did you eat?" My sister Mikasa asked.

"Eren and his mom invited me to dinner." I said before heading to my room.

"I'm surprised he would sill hang out with you, I'd have thought he would be mad at you for what you did." She followed after me.

"He's actually okay with it, so bye." I tried shoving her out of my room.

"So if he's okay with it, are you two dating?"

"I asked him out, he said yes. Now leave."

"Awe my baby brother has a boyfriend."

"Shut up!" I finally pushed her out of my room and slammed the door in her face. I heard my phone go off so I pulled it out.


I'm really sorry about my mom.

My Response:

It's alright Mikasa was worse.


Also for not being able to kiss you

My Reply:

It's fine Eren, I'll see you tomorrow


Okay, Goodnight Levi

My Reply:

Goodnight Eren

(The next day: walking home from school)

"Are you sure your okay with it?"

"For the ten thousandth time, it's fine."

Eren has been asking if I was fine all day, I was beginning to lose my patience.

"I'm sorry."

I sighed and gave Eren a peck on the cheek.

"You'll get there it's my fault for trying to rush you. Don't worry about it so much though."

He gave me a tight hug.

"How about we watch a movie at my house?"


We walked the rest of the way in silence but Eren was holding my hand the entire way. We finally reached his house when we heard squealing from the other side. We opened the door and saw Mikasa and Eren's mom chatting and squealing like obsessed fangirls.

"What's going on, you guys sounded like you saw a mouse or something." Eren said.

"My baby." Eren's mom came over and hugged Eren. "Why didn't you tell me you were together?"

"Because it's still new and it just happened yesterday."

"Eren's still shy about the stuff that's beyond hand holding and hugs." I added just to see Eren blush.

Both girls "awed" and started talking to themselves again.

"We need to tell Hanji about this." Eren's mom said.

"Definitely and Erwin too." Mikasa added.

"Let's go watch the movie at my house, it's quieter."

"Okay Eren smiled.

We left the two women and walked next door. I put in a movie and sat on the couch with Eren, since he was still shy I just sat next to him. By the time the movie ended however, Eren was asleep and cuddling me. I smiled and kissed his head before drifting off to sleep my self.

(a/n: Okay four chapter's down, my goal it to have it completed again by the end of Friday.)

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