Chapter 15

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(Eren's POV: Next day at the end of school)

I'm sitting in my english class just waiting for it to be over. Next to math, english is my worst subject.

I wonder if grams will have fresh baked cookies when we get back." My mouth watered just from thinking about the yummy treat.

"Jaeger pay attention!" The teacher yelled from the blackboard.

"Sorry Mrs. Flannigen."

I heard Jean snickering beside me so I shot him a glare.

Why did I have to have a class with him? I rolled my eyes and pretended to pay attention but really I was just watching the clock about the board. Just a few more minutes.

When the bell finally rang I jammed my stuff in my backpack and left to go find Levi so we could go. I turned the corner and saw Levi talking to some girl.

(a/n: This is where things change a little again and I'm combing chapters again.)

I walked over and hugged Levi from behind. "What's going on love?"

"Sorry, I didn't know you were already. Sorry." The girl backed away clearly embarrassed.

"What was that about?" I asked when the girl was gone.

"I don't know, but it's been happening all day." He sighed.

"Look at you being so popular." I joked.

"It's not as much fun as it looks." He said unamused.

"I wonder if it has something to do with the upcoming festival."

"What festival?"

"You've never seen the winter/spring festival?" He shook his head. "You really need to get out more."

"Just tell me about the festival."

"It's a celebration that happens every year to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring."

"Like winter wrap up?"

(a/n: yay pony reference)

"I guess except we don't actually clean up winter and just have fun." I laughed. "I'll take you if you want."

"Aren't you forgetting that we're grounded."

"Oh simple naive Levi, Just leave everything to me."

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