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-Chapter 16-
-Chilled's POV-

I awoke to small hands softly pushing my body. Huh? I yawned, stretching out my arms accidentally coming into contact with a solid object. What was that? A small yelp escaped the object. Wait. I blinked rapidly, sitting up to see Ze crouching beside me covering his lip. No way. I slowly put together what just happened, jolting up to throw my arms around Ze,

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realise it was you,” I held his head against my chest, “are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

Ze chuckled, removing his hand from his face to wrap around my neck, muffled by my shirt,

"I'm okay, I made us breakfast."

He, made breakfast? I removed my arms from around him with a smile,

"for real?"

Ze nodded, getting to his feet and holding out his hand. I can’t believe him. I took his hand and he led me to the kitchen. On the kitchen table, there were several plates with various food items and a cup of coffee. No jokes, he did. I let out a small breath of air, turning to Ze and taking his hands,

"why, why are you so cute?"

His cheeks grew pink as he bit his lip and gestured for me to sit,

"for you, duh."

I really needed to up my game. After breakfast, me and Ze decided to get chill in my room until Galm contacted us for this evening.  Ze threw himself on my bed, chest landing on the covers, head on the pillows, pulling out his phone. Cutie. I followed suit, landing beside him, leaning onto my elbow to push my side up watching Ze scroll throw his feed. Wow. His brown curls were curled against his light complexion, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he read the screen, concentrating closely. Is this real? I can't process him actually being here. It’s like, there's actually not a screen separating us from one another. I can't, I can’t believe it. I need to make sure this all isn’t a dream of mine. I edged my fingers closer to him, placing them lightly on his shoulder. He feels real. Ze let out a small laugh at my action, his laugh, is real. I continued to slowly brush my fingers down his arm all the way to his inner elbow, he’s really here, brushing my fingers along his forearm to his fingertips holding his phone and he’s real for sure.  Ze glanced at me, slowly switching his phone off, turning to me. I wonder what he’s thinking. His eyes sparkled in the sparse light seeping through my curtains, he’s his own little sun. Ze lifted his hand to slide over my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. I wonder where I am in his solar system. He moved to run his fingers through my hair, his voice gentle,

"you always play with your hair,” hm, “I was always jealous,” jealous?

His fingers became tangled within the strands, causing me to let out a hum of satisfaction.

"Your hair always got all your attention,” Ze muttered.

"Well," I whispered, edging closer to Ze, "that’s not a problem now,” he always had my attention.

Ze chuckled, planting his hand on the back of my head, pulling me to his face. I think he’s genuinely an angel. His eyes closed slowly, his lips parting in wait to receive my own. A kinda seductive angel. I glanced at his eyes to his lips then back up to his eyes. Can I stop once starting? I steadily placed my lips upon his, slowly pressing against them until his began to respond, we stayed interlocked, briefly pulling apart from air before shortly reintroducing new friends to afterwards. Abruptly Ze's phone began to vibrate violently behind him, causing both of us to jump from our skin. Fuck. Ze pulled away with a small groan,

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I insisted, gesturing to his phone, "who is it?"

Ze scooped his phone up, glancing at the screen, that scared the shit out of me,


I hummed with a nod, climbing out of bed. Ze watched me closely before answering his phone, continuing to watch me, Galm probably wants us to meet him.


I pulled off my shirt, grabbing a fresh one from the closet. I wish I just had a little longer with Ze.

"Okay, when do you want us there?"

I pulled out a black top. Perfect. Even seconds. I glanced back at Ze, his eyes still firmly planted on me. Cute. I winked as I pulled on the shirt, grabbing some shorts and other items before walking to the rest room. I wasn’t ready to fully strip in front of him yet. I quickly changed, brushing my teeth before re-joining Ze in my room. Ze was sat on the bed still on the phone to Galm,

“wait, when is his birthday?"

Ze caught my eye as I took a seat in my computer chair, swirling around slowly. I wonder what Galm is saying.

"That’s cool,” Ze answered with laugh, "yeah, we'll be over soon. Bye Galm."

I mean, we didn’t have to go. Ze hung up, throwing his phone on the bed once more, staring at me with a small smile,

"you look nice."

I stopped spinning, squinting my eyes at him suspiciously, hm,

"you look better."

Ze shook his head with a scoff,

"I highly doubt that."

Why? I climbed to my feet, grabbing a hold of Ze's hands and pulling him to his feet,

"you are a work of art, okay?” I pressed a kiss against his forehead, “I won’t let anyone ever tell you any different."

Ze turned his head away, his cheeks changing to pink in embarrassment. He pressed his head against my chest as he whispered, speechless,

"thank you."

I stroked his hair with a soft hum,

"I assume you'll want to wear your clothes for the party so are you alright with wearing your clothes from yesterday till we get to Smarty's?"

I wish I had clothes for him here. I wish I could just wrap him up in mine.

"Of course,” Ze claimed, "I can't exactly borrow your clothes,” he chuckled
I laughed at his response; I wish he was wrong.

"Right, so, I'll be in the living room and,” I gestured around, “and you can just come through when you've finished."

Ze nodded. Ah, I really wanted to stay. I squeezed his shoulder before leaving and closing the door behind me. Let’s just, sit and calm down. It wasn't until 30 minutes went by that Ze exited the room to join me. Is he okay?

"Are you okay?" I asked, glancing at him, how did I manage to keep my hands off him?

Ze nodded with a smile,

“we can leave now."

I nodded, getting to my feet and grabbing my door keys before ushering Ze out of the room. Time to rock.

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