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-Chapter 10-
-Ze's POV-

My heart began racing in my chest as we re-joined Galm. That was awkward. I wish I could’ve been more, forward. I wiped my forehead, taking a deep breath to settle myself. Next time, next time I’ll try. Within a moment of joining the call, I got a message from Galm.

What happened? Spill the news!

I pussied out, I couldn't tell him.

You're so lucky he was drunk.

I know..

You should tell him.

I'll pass on that. Not until I know my true feelings.


I let out a fake chuckle, this is frustrating,

"too much drama for one day."

"Agreed," Chilled groaned.

"I can't wait for Smarty to get online,” Galm admitted, “you should've heard the things he was saying to me,” there was a clear smirk on his face.

He’s doing this on purpose.

"Oh god, if I acted that way, he was probably a hundred times worse,” Chilled huffed, a groan leaving his lips.

Why does he keep groaning? It's putting stupid ideas into my head, memories of Chilled last night flashing into my mind. Fuck. I cleared my throat,

"right Galm,” I paused waiting for his attention, “I went to the doctor's yesterday."

"Oh," Galm spoke as realisation hit him, "I totally forgot to ask how it went."

How it went? I shrugged, with a small smile,

“It was alright, yeah, the normal kind of stuff.”

"What's wrong?" Chilled hastily asked, his eyes widening.

So cute.

"Just check up,” I admitted.

“Do I have to look after you?" Chilled smirked, that sounded amazing.

"He has me," Galm teased with a laugh.

"I mean, I"m old enough to look after myself,” I frowned.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that,” Galm joked.


"Maybe, we have to have a competition,” Chilled suggested with a grin.

A competition?

"To look after me?" I scoffed.

Galm lifted his hands in automatic defeat,

"You win Chilled,” he smirked, “I've had enough of bottle feeding and cleaning his bed sheets."

Chilled grinned,

"Buying the tickets now, I'll be on my way."

My eyes widened, tickets? He said last night he’d pay for me to visit him.

"You wouldn't dare,” I taunted.

"Don't start him on this,” Galm groaned, “he's always said he'd drop everything and come to see me if I ever needed him,” really?

"What? Is that something you wouldn't do for me?" Chilled argued lightly.

"I mean, he's always done it for me,” I joked sticking my tongue out, “so, he might for you."

"You're different. You're minutes away, maybe more than an hour not like a day or more away," Galm frowned.

"I guess I'll just have to prove myself," Chilled spoke glancing off screen.

Prove himself? What did that mean?  The time flew by to the point, Galm had left the pair to continue his nightly routine.

"He's probably talking to Smarty," I whispered, sighing underneath, as much as I adored Galm, I knew my place when it came to Smarty.

"Why would he be doing that?" Chilled asked with a curious gaze.

What? I squinted loosely at him,

"Are you blind and deaf?"

"No," Chilled muttered, "just, I don't see the point you're making."

The point I’m making?

"They like each other,” I spoke slowly, how did no one else see that?

Chilled furrowed his brows deep in thought,

"really? You think so?"

I hummed, absolutely,

"I know what love is. I know how it begins."

"Oh,” Chilled whispered, “you’ve, been in love before?”

I closed my eyes momentarily, fuck,

"think so,” I frowned avoiding Chilled’s eyes, “Galm highly disagrees."

Chilled remained in silence watching me intently as if asking me to continue. Right. Fuck it. This is step one,

"he, felt different,” I started, “cool, calm, collected,” it was a change, “I thought, if I showed my dedication to him, he’d love me back, just as much,” I frowned, taking a deep breath, it hurts still to think about it, “he took advantage of my willingness to love,” the words staggered off my tongue, clinging on for dear life.

"Ze," Chilled whispered, his expression softening, “I,”

No. I blinked, stopping the tears from spilling, I don’t want his pity,

“It’s the past now, it’s stupid of me to think about it.”

Chilled sat up, his face stern and taut, whoa,

"do not, ever, call yourself stupid,” his words were almost a warning, “love is a double-sided sword, you suffered wounds from both ends,” I hadn’t thought of it that way, “if,” I felt shivers run down my spine as he spoke, “if I knew you, knew you before you suffered,” he shook his head, “I could’ve stopped it,” he sighed heavily, “who would even dream of hurting you?”

Right. That’s the thing, I’m not sure if it was accidentally or purposeful,

“you never know until you're in that position,” I frowned, “you can say you wouldn't dream of doing it but then you come face to face with it,” hm, “and everything changes."

Chilled slowly sat back in chair, nodding slowly

"I understand,” he understands?

I watch him closely, his eyes focusing on something in the distance, his lips taut and tight. I wonder what he’s thinking.

"Thank you for listening,” I admitted with a smile.

"Always, I'll listen to anything you'd have to say,” Chilled claimed.

It only took the next following minutes for the pair of them to decide to call it a night. Thankfully, I flopped on to my bed, taking a deep breath. That was tough, l didn’t realise how easy it would be to tell him my autobiography. It's unusual, I don't know how to describe the feeling. It's like this burdening weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I’ve spoken to Galm before about it but, this, this felt different. Yet it was weird telling someone about my experience, especially someone I had just met. I curl up within my covers with a grin plastered on my face. Is it too soon think he's the one?

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