C 19

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-Chapter 19

-Chilled's POV-

I shifted awake, a faint throbbing in my head, nothing a couple of aspirin can thankless. I felt a constant weight against my chest, followed by a small groan as I moved. Wait, my eyes widened as I glanced down at the sleeping mess of Ze against my chest, holy shit. I thought it wasn't real. But here he was. I lifted my gaze to the bathtub where Galm's steady gaze was already on me. He's awake. And, my eyes moved to Smarty, tightly curled up opposite Galm, fingers interlocked, he's in a similar situation to me. I reached out my fist to him with a grin, Galm meeting me halfway with his own.

"How you feeling?" Galm whispered.

I shrugged glancing down at Ze,

"like an idiot," Galm watched me curiously, "it's, I don't know man, I," I sighed, what am I meant to say, "I think Ze's gonna move in with me."

Galm tightened his gaze. I was preparing for the worse. I've already picked up that Galm is protective of him. But, it's Ze's decision.


"I know," I muttered, "it's quick, but I can't let him leave so soon," I admitted sourly.

This was only the beginning. Galm nodded,

"I'll stay for as long as he does," right? How is that relevant? "Smarty's gonna need more than you to keep him away from his ex," ah.

So, he's staying for Smarty, not Ze. That made sense. Maybe there's an actual possibility for me to keep Ze here then. It wouldn't hurt to try, right? Fuck it, what's the worst that can happen? I glanced at Ze, his breathing slow, his hands occasionally twitching against my arm. Hm, I wonder how he'll take to my suggestion of moving here. It's insane, actually, more than insane. But if he likes me that much, he'll do it. Right? A low groan left Smarty lips as he lifted himself from his place in the bath,


I let out a laugh,

"worth it?"

He pulled his hand away from Galm, Galm hesitating for a moment before doing the same, after what Ze said about them, I see it, it's so obvious,

"far more than worth it," he leaned on the edge pf the bath peering at Ze, "he's not up yet?"

I shook my head, softly stroking his hair. Smarty scoffed reaching over to poke Ze in the back. Hang on, I hastily deflected his hand with a stern glare, I didn't say he could touch him. I cleared my throat, pressing my hand against the back of Ze, shaking him lightly. I'll wake him up. Ze lifted his head drowsily gazing at my face before looking around,

"when, no," he furrowed his brows, "why are we in the bathroom?"

Cute as always. I chuckled,

"you drank, a lot," I glanced up at Galm then Smarty, "how you feeling now?"

Ze hummed weakly pushing himself up from Chilled's chest,


That's to be expected,

"how about you get some fresh clothes on, then we'll go out for breakfast?"

"Hell yeah," Smarty grinned pushing himself up, stepping out of the bath, "take your time, but be quick," he winced, "I'm pretty hungry too," he slipped out of the room.

Galm sighed lifting himself up glancing to Ze,

"your stuff is in the spare room," he smiled weakly before following Smarty.

Ze moved from my embrace, hang on. I went to prevent him from moving but he turned to me before I could,

"Chilled," hm? I tilted my head at him, "I, did, we, um,' his cheeks grew red, awe.

"Yes, we made out," I shrugged with a smirk, "that's all."

Ze nodded slowly, pushing himself up,

"well, um," he gestured to the door, "I should, change, um,"

"Good idea," I claimed climbing to my feet beside him, "take your time."

Ze nodded scurrying away. I wonder if he regrets it. I hope he doesn't, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I cleared my throat, fuck, I should join the others. 

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