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-Chapter 18-
-Chilled's POV-

The clock had struck midnight as the group and others sat around in a circle, eyeing one another up. This is awkward.

"Whose starting?" Galm asked, glancing at each person.

But fuck it.

"I'll start," I exclaimed, I held up my drink, "never have I ever assisted in a crime."

I felt like a kid again. A couple of people took a shot before the person beside me spoke,

"never have I ever admitted to playing girl games."

Ouch. Me, Smarty and Ze both took a shot before grinning at one another. The next person continued,

"never have I ever slept with my best friend."

Another ouch. I glanced at Ze as I threw back a shot, the heated liquid burning the back of my throat as it slid down. His expression displayed a flick of curiosity before switching back to normal, that's a story for next time. Galm spoke next,
"never have I ever, hm, had a friends with benefits."

Smarty scoffed at his statement, Oh?

"You've done that, you need to pick another one," wait what?

I let out a snort at Smarty, shaking my head grinning,

"caught out, Galm."

Galm smirked, thinking of a new one,

"let me think. Never have I ever, told a lie that could've destroyed someone."

I watched as Ze sheepishly threw his shot back, glancing at the floor. Hang on

"not as innocent as I thought," eyeing him up.

"Never have I ever had a threesome!"
Smarty exclaimed, excitedly looking around at people.

He's way too excited for that one. A couple took a shot, while the rest of us glanced at each other.

"I can't imagine sharing my partner," I huffed, "what's mine is mine."

Ze's head tilted in my direction almost as if he had heard what I said. Part of me hoped he did.

"Never have I ever cheated on a test," another stated.

How boring. Almost everyone took a shot, excluding Ze. 

"You're lying, right?" Smarty joked.

Ze shook his head,

"I've never cheated."

"You're lying, just be honest," Smarty teased, what is he doing?

"Lay off mate, just accept someone here is smarter than you," I muttered, the words slipping from my lips before I could stop them.

Whoops. Thankfully Smarty shook it off, shooting Ze a small smile which Ze returned with a shy smile back.

"Never have I ever been in more than one relationship," Ze stated, curiously looking around the room.

Everyone, including myself, took a shot. He's only had one partner? As I threw it back, I kept my eyes on Ze and his were on me. That's, good news.

"Wow, really?" Smarty gasped.

"He's loyal," Galm admitted, "previously loyal, that is," he glanced at me as he spoke.

I got the hint. Ze shrugged,

"It's how it's meant to be."

"Cheers to that," I spoke clearly, raising my glass, fucking cheers to that.

[edited] ZeRoyalChaos - The TruthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang