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-Chapter 6-
-Chilled's POV-

After messaging Ze more, I managed to pull myself from my sweaty bed sheets, making my way into the kitchen. I managed to sluggishly make a bowl of cereal with a cup of coffee, throwing myself onto the couch. I casually watched youtube, my mind occasionally drifting to the thought of Ze. I wonder if I should message him again. Is that too clingy? I’ve only just met him. God, I sighed finishing my breakfast, reaching for my phone, something keeps pulling me towards him. I have to message him, I have to, as my thoughts became louder a call pops up, Smarty and Galm's icons flashing on screen. Huh? No way, this early? How is Smarty even up? I deny hastily, sighing, that obviously was a sign not to message him. I couldn’t be, that, type of friend to Galm. I throw my phone aside pushing myself to my feet, dumping the dishes within the sink, I’ll just, leave those for later. It won’t hurt. Ping. Hm? It’s probably Smarty messaging me with demands to get online. I wasn’t entirely ready to be beaten again today. Not that I was losing accidentally, totally, on purpose. I lifted my phone lazily glancing over the message,

Are you coming on?

Oh, it’s Ze. I go to answer but another message shoots up,

Please don’t make me suffer alone :(

I chuckled, he’s adorable, how can I say no? Full of new found encouragement, I ran to my room, throwing random clothes on as I loaded my computer up. Is it going to be awkward after last night? I hope not, he just fell asleep. That’s not awkward, right? If anything, it’s attractive of me to let him sleep, right? I shook these troublesome thoughts from my mind, logging into chat. Have a clear mind Chilled, a simple clear mind. There was a new chat, one featuring all four of us. Right, Ze mentioned he hadn’t met Smarty yet. This will be interesting. I take a bresth of air refreshing my energy before joining,

“good morning!” I smirked into the camera, my eyes flickering automatically to Ze’s screen, his face half way off camera.

Is he okay?

"Finally!" Smarty chimed, his camera loading up beside Galm’s, not my desired view point.

Ze pulled himself onto screen, a frown clear on his lips, what’s, what wrong? My heart immediately started to raise as worry took over. Did something happen? Ze’s frown was accompanied by Galm, rolling his eyes. What has Smarty done?

"Did I miss something?" I whispered, anxiously glancing between them all.
"It doesn't matter,” Smarty murmured, it really did, “just, tell me you're coming over today?”

His question was more of a plead to me. There were several pings as I went to part my lips. Oh?

I don’t know what’s happening.. they’ve been arguing since the start..

Arguing? Fuck, right, last night Smarty was confiding in Galm, did, did it back fire? My eyes moved to Galm’s messages,

Take him out. He needs someone right now.

Right, so it backfired. I grimaced as I nodded,

"yeah, of course man,” as much as I loved Smarty, this Smarty was different, “you coming to mine or?”

"For real?" Smarty questioned; his eyes widened slightly.

And another point, I don’t have guests. My apartment was small enough as it was and incredibly messy at times.

"Of course,” I insisted, “come over, then we'll go out."

Smarty disappeared momentarily before appearing back in frame, what is he,

"I'm now leaving. I'll be there in 10 or so minutes. Bye guys!"

Right. Smarty’s icon disappeared. I have ten minutes to figure out what happened.

"Explain,” I demanded, I needed to know what mind set Smarty was in right now. 

Galm let out a long, held in, sigh,

“him,” him? Does he mean, Smarty's boyfriend? “he just needs fresh air and a good talk."

Fresh air and a good talk? And I’m the only one that came to mind?

"Out of all the people you know,” I complained, “you want me to do that?" a scoff slipped from my lips, “I was hoping you’d deal with it this time.”

Galm shrugged, talking back in a slightly stern tone,

“stop bring a prick Chilled,” whoa, “you know if I could be there for him, I would, but I can’t, so,” his voice suddenly became calm, “you know him better than I do, just, speak to him.”

Speak to him? He knows that speaking to Smarty can be the equivalent to speaking to a brick wall when he’s like this.

"And you're his friend,” Ze piped up, a reassuring smile om his face.

Fuck you Ze, with your stupidly, ridiculous, memorising, fuck, his smile. Becoming red in the cheeks, I nodded, 

“he’d do the same for me, sorry for being a dick,” I apologised to Galm.

Smarty was, emotional, unpredictable, in normal times but in times where everything’s elevated, it become worse. But he’s been there for me, and I’ve always been grateful for that. I have to be there for him. I stayed on call while waiting for Smarty, occasionally talking to Galm while speaking glances at Ze.

"Smarty's here,” I spoke hearing the prominent knocking on the door, “we'll call you guys later,” I waved at the camera, “see ya!”

Hanging up, I head to the door swinging to open to see Smartys grinning expression,

“give me a sec,” I turned around to grab my shoes as Smarty leaned against the doorframe.

“What’s the plan then?” Smarty asked watching me closely.

I shrugged, straightening up turning to the mirror to mess with my hair,

"what do you want to do?”

Smarty chuckled,

“it’s too early to drink,” obviously, it’s almost eight in the morning, “how about a picnic?”

A picnic? He chose a romantic thing for us to do? What? I glanced at him, noticing the lack of energy in his eyes, a weak smile on his lips.

“Smarty,” I hesitantly spoke.

“I, don’t, want to speak about it,” Smarty claimed quietly.

Right. I nodded, grabbing my phone, glancing over the notifications. There’s a message from Smarty in the group chat. Huh? I opened it to see Smarty had sent a photo of me sorting my hair while staring into the mirror, right, my eyes widened as I noticed Ze had hearted the photo. Holy fuck.

"You're so cheeky,” I murmured playfully, yet my heart was beating heavily at the thought of Ze.

He grinned, sticking his tongue out,

“better get moving pretty boy!”

Right, let’s go.

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