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Chapter 15-
-Chilled's POV-

It got to, maybe after midnight when we finally decided to call it a night. He looks exhausted. I switched on the lamp as I tidied my room to be comfortable for Ze to sleep in. I threw the last pillow on the bed as he began to speak,

"where are you sleeping?"

I shrugged, I’m not sure,

"the sofa.”

Ze frowned, staring at the bed.

"Is that okay? I mean I just don't want to push my boundaries and I respect you way more than that,” he started to ramble again.

“Ze,” I chuckled sliding my hand into his, “I don't want to climb into bed with you after a couple a month of knowing you."

"I understand. Thank you,” Ze whispered, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Fuck, I scratched my neck as I spoke,

"I can stay in here with you until you fall asleep."

He pulled me to where he sat, resting his head against my torso, his breath warm against my clothing,


I slowly stroked his hair down to his cheek, watching his behaviour. I’ve seen him like this a couple of times whenever we used to call. He would only, right, he’d only behave like this if he’s had nightmares. I remember that he hated falling asleep after me so I would always stay up until he's asleep. I held my tongue for a split second, I can’t handle not knowing,

"have you been getting your nightmares?"

I played with his hair as I spoke. He slowly nodded against my body, ruffling my shirt. I thought so. I placed a kiss on his head,

"it's okay, I'm here. Get ready to sleep and I'll sort it out."

He nodded, peeling himself from me, slouching in his chair. I know it took a lot of energy to function, but I needed him to sleep. I took his hands, lifting him up onto his feet,
"it'll be okay. I promise."

His tired lips forced itself into a smile while his eyes fluttered shut. Sleep it was. I gestured towards the bed,

“get cosy, feel free to use the bathroom and such. I'm gonna get a couple of things then join you, alright?"

Ze nodded before frowning, what’s wrong?

"I left my things at Smarty's."

I glanced around my room,

"help yourself,” this is dangerous, “to my things,” I squeezed his shoulder.

I left the room to gather some blankets from the storage cupboard, as well as a glass of water and a hot water bottle that I had stuffed in the back of the cupboard, for some strange reason. I soon return to Ze. I caught the last moment of him pulling a baggy shirt, a deep purple shirt. His head lifted at the sound of my entry,

"is it okay if I wear this?"

I practically dropped the blankets to the floor, placing the cup down on the bedside table, throwing the hot water bottle on the bed. Who knew he could get cuter? I turned to gaze at him, my mind running wild at the endless possibilities of things to happen,

"it looks fantastic on you."

His cheeks flushed a soft pink,


"Come on, get into bed, it's getting late,” I insisted, lifting the covers for him, and I wasn’t sure how long I’d be able to hold back for.

He nodded, climbing into bed, pulling the covers over himself, holding the water bottle close. I can’t get over it. I grabbed some cushions from the sofa, throwing them onto the ground beside my bed before slowly glancing awkwardly. I need to get changed. I normally sleep shirtless but because Ze is here, I should probably remain clothed. I glanced at Ze. He was curled up with his eyes closed facing my way. He's not awake, right? I pulledl out an old t-shirt from my cupboard. Hurriedly pulling off my shirt, in the process, I smacked my elbow harshly on the cupboard,

"fucking, fuck.”

Ze hummed a little under his breath causing me to pull on the old shirt with great speed. Holy shit, did I wake him? I spun around to face him. No movement. He's asleep. He must be. I climbed into my self made bed on the floor, reaching up to turn off the lamp. I rest my head down, christ today’s been a messy one, so many emotions. And Ze, Ze is actually here. Let alone, in my bed. Fuck. Hes way cuter in person. I just, hope he wasn’t disappointed when he saw me. I shifted in my position, turning towards the bed. If I upset Ze again, Galm wouldn't hesitate to bury me 6 feet under. Not that I’m aiming to upset him again. I took a deep breath, I need to sleep, my mind is going crazy. I glanced up at Ze in the bed, his fingers were falling over the sheets, occasionally twitching.
Is he having a nightmare? I know animals twitch in their sleep when they dream, is it the same with humans? My eyes widened, what if it's a bad dream? What if it’s about me? Fuck, I, can’t let him suffer. I reached out my fingers, slowly pressing them against the tips of his. Please don’t be angry. In response, his fingers stretched out, opening for mine to slide into his. This is what I craved. His safety within my touch. This was it. This meant something, even if it's such a small thing. I dhut my eyes, smiling to myself, this was the best way to end tonight.
-Ze's POV-

After climbing into Chilled's bed, my eyes were already starting to fade. I can’t believe I’m here. I watched him glance around a moment before my eyes officially closed, my head hitting the pillow in a daze. I heard the squeak of the wardrobe in the distance. My eyes fluttered open, focusing on the image of Chilled's revealed back. Even his back is hot. I hummed lightly under my breath, burrowing further into the pillow. I’m sleeping in Chilled’s bed. This was, insane. My mind danced into the clouds, further and further into the land of dreams, so I thought.

Everywhere I could see, darkness followed. Through and through, nothing but darkness. Each step I took I was followed by injections of emptiness into my soul. I hated this.

"Hello?" I called out into the darkness.

There was an echo of silence around my body. My bones frozen in place; I couldn’t move. I tried to use my entire strength to pull my feet from the empty ground. But nothing happened. I started breathing rapidly struggling to keep my eyes from closing. I, I can't move, I can't move, the blindfold of darkness was removed from my sight as soft finger tips pressed against mine. I, need to keep a hold of them, I tried to grab the hand but my body resisted. Why won’t it let me? I need, this. I need, whoever that is. I took a deep breath, grasping at the hand, my fingers wrapping around the hand. Yes! A staggered breath left my body in relief. As my fingers wrapped around the hand for dear life, my vision began to fade into colour. Less darkness, less fear.  My body jolted awake; my eyes shot open down upon Chilled's sleeping figure. He actually stayed with me.  I slowly stretched my body, loving the sensation of being able to move every limb. That felt good. As I go to stretch my fingers, they struggled to open against a stronger force. Huh? I glanced down at my hand. A grin spread across my face as Chilled's fingers were tangled in mine. That’s adorable. Hang on, was it his hand that pulled me from my nightmare? It had to be. It didn’t make sense otherwise. I fell back into my pillow, well, I didn’t expect that,

“thank you.”

[edited] ZeRoyalChaos - The TruthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant