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-Chapter 2-
-Galm's POV-

Wow, tapping my fingers upon my mouse at an uncontrollable rate, anxiousness taking over. I can’t believe I’m going to introduce Chilled to him. It’s, nerve-wracking. What if Chilled doesn’t like him? Fear began to set in. There’s no way he won’t like him, right? I like him and, and that’s the ultimate test for true friendship. I need to get it over and done with, the suspense is killing me. I pulled my hand away from the mouse, grabbing my phone to message Chilled to see if he was up yet.
Hey buddy, you up yet? My surprise is ready...
{Sent 12:48pm via message to Chilly boi}
[Chilly boi:]
So much for sleeping in.. It be worth it or you'll regret ever waking me up. I'm lacking enough sleep to be easily persuaded.
{Sent 12:53pm via message to me}
Sorry man! It'll be worth the trouble, trust me. Get on as soon as possible. Don't look sloppy ((:
{Sent 12:53pm via message to Chilly boi}
[Chilly boi:]
Alright, give me a moment.
{Sent 12:57pm via message to me}
I put my phone down with a sigh, fuck, turning back to my computer screen unmuting myself,

"sorry about that, Chilled is about to join us soon,” I smiled reassuringly.

The surprise smiled at me with a nervous giggle, who doesn’t like him?

"It's actually quite overwhelming. I'm literally shaking at the thought of meeting him,” his eyes averted from my face briefly, “are you sure he'll like me?"

"He doesn't really get a choice," I joked with a small chuckle, "he's going to love you, everyone does,” I really hope he does.”

His pink lips spread into a heart-warming smile at my words. He took a deep breath, shaking his limbs to relax,

"I'm going to make it work. No matter if he hates me or not, you're my best mate he doesn't get to decide that”, his determination will take him far.

"Just be yourself,” I insisted, his self was the best self, “I’m sure he's not even prepared to meet you so,” I paused momentarily, Chilled is usually nice but, “please play nice”, he had his times of rudeness like the rest of us, "he’s like a puppy, he'll mirror your tone and choice of words."

"That's, cute, " he chuckled, right Chilled, cute.

He’s far from that, he’s practically the devil reincarnated. Chilled's icon popped up onto my screen. He's online, it’s go time. I added him into the call, waiting for his voice and camera to load up. This was terrifying. Please go well.

"What the hell do you want this early in the morning?" Chilled's husky voice blurted loading in first.

His camera loaded up a moment later. Tired eyes blinked against the light of his screen as he struggled to focus on us causing me to laugh, just as suspected. It’s time.

"Chilled, say hello,” I spoke with a fake boldness in attempt to mask my fear, gesturing at the computer screen as if he could see them.

Chilled's eyes widened as his expression changed from exhausted to surprised. He’s, unusually quiet. Chilled ran a hand through his hair trying to tame the mess before he sat up, exposing his bare chest, reaching for the nearest shirt. I stickier another laugh, not quite what I was expecting. He pulled it on hurriedly before turning to the computer screen,

"good morning."

The laugh slipped out of my lips as I grinned widely at Chilled’s actions,

"you're such an idiot."

Chilled's lips spread into a grin as his eyes were prowling the screen for a reaction,

"someone has to be."

Yes, that’s true. Thankfully not me.

"I see I have some competition then,”
Right, Chilled isn’t the only idiot.

"Depends how good you are at it,” Chilled taunted like a child.

They’ll get along just fine, I think.

"Chilled, this is Ze,” I exclaimed, calmer than before, “he’s one of my most trusted friends,” I paused watching Chilled furrow his brows expectantly, “as well as you and Smarty,” I wonder how he’ll react further on, “Ze, this is Chilled,” and let’s see how Ze reacts.

"Ouch, we weren't even allowed the pride of being introduced on first name basis,” there was a loose smirk on his lips, “wow Galm, you must be embarrassed by me,” Chilled teased, leaning up onto his elbows, “well unless, Ze, is your first name?” his eyes met Ze’s curiously.

Ze let out a subtle laugh, cheeks growing a distant pink,

"uh no, but he can't deny us the privilege for long, “returning the smirk, ”I guess we have to earn it,” looks like I had nothing to worry about.

"You know what I meant guys, don't be annoying,” I snorted shaking my head, they’ll get along well.

"Cause people don't lie, do they Galm?" Chilled continued to tease.

"Obviously not,” Ze joined in on the teasing.

Maybe a little too, well.

"Okay, stop. I don't like you two teaming against me,” I pretended to plead with a small smile, "It's mean and unfair,” but I can deal with this if it meant they grew closer.

"Ah, whose fault is that introducing us to each other?”  Ze’s eyes flickered over to Chilled’s face, “already a deadly pair."

Hopefully not too deadly,

"well, I'm glad you two are happy. Even if it means I'm miserable, " I joked pulling a fake frown, "anywhoo, games?"

"Yes,” Ze and Chilled agreed spontaneously, I thought so.

I grinned at them both. I'm glad they’re getting along, it makes life a lot easier for me.

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