C 14

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-Chapter 14-
-Chilled's POV-

It's been 4 days since I've last heard from Ze. Today's the day before Smarty's birthday and he wanted me to meet up with him and go for coffee. I'm not sure why, but what's the harm in it? I arrived at the coffee shop Smarty wanted to meet at. Brick walls, with small pieces of art work planted upon them surrounded small wooden tables. I took a seat, straightening my jacket as well as brushing down my trousers. I tried to dress respectful today, it kinda worked out but I look like a mess. I ordered a coffee waiting patiently for Smarty. A few minutes go by until the door swings open revealing Smarty. I stand up to greet him, finally, but he lifted his finger with a big grin, gesturing the to the door, huh? Next thing I knew, Galm was entering behind him. Holy fuck. I pushed my chair back, hastily making my way to them, holy shit. I greeted Smarty with the usual firm hug before turning my full attention to Galm,

"holy fuck," I scoffed in disbelief, wrapping my arms tightly around him, "why are you here?"

"Long story," Galm chuckled before pulling away, "shall we sit?"

"Of course," I insisted, showing them to the table.  

The pair ordered drinks before turning to me, this is amazing, I couldn't stop grinning. Yet when they turned to me, their expressions were stern. Smarty glanced at Galm for some sort of confirmation before turning to me again,

"right, Chilled. I know I told you it'd just be us two but obviously Galm is here,"

"Yeah, but I'm good with that," I grinned at Galm, "it's Galm, duh."

"Well," Smarty winced lightly, "he's not the only one," he slowly spoke, watching me carefully.

I squinted at him, is he okay?

"I don't understand."

As I spoke those words the door opened, revealing a shorter figure wrapped up in a burnt orange sweater and brown trousers. Curly brown mess of locks and cautious eyes searching the room. No fucking way. Their eyes caught mine. I abruptly stood up, my chair screeching against the floor. Smarty followed suit, watching me in caution, keeping an eye on me. They slowly made their way across the room, carefully approaching us. Fuck me. The moment they stood a foot from me, I took a deep breath trying to contain my emotions. How did I feel? I couldn't figure it out. My heart was throbbing and my mind was racing. I held out my hand like the idiot I was, he reached me anxiously glancing to my hand, before sliding their smaller hand into mine. This isn't what I wanted to do. I wanted, they pulled their hand away taking the seat beside Galm, I wanted to touch him more. I took my seat, hands in my lap as I stared at my drink before me.
"Ze's here," Galm spoke boldly.

No fucking shit. He's here. Here, right next to me. I nodded, glancing at Ze before returning my eyes to my cup of coffee,

"I, I see that."

"Is that okay?" Ze whispered, " I, I can totally leave right now if you're uncomfortable, I understand completely if you'd prefer that," he began to ramble quietly to himself.

I glanced up at him,

"I," I don't want him to leave.

Galm grunted,

"I don't think so. Chilled doesn't get a choice," Smarty hummed in agreement, "you're our friend and so is Chilled, both of you will deal with it."

"I, I'm okay with it," I forced out, "I'm just, surprised," surprised was the least appropriate word to use.

Ze stared at me with his big, pale green eyes,

"A good surprise," I softly whisper, staring back at Ze's mesmerising eyes.

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