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-Chapter 7-
-Ze's POV-

Tapping the random pencil against my desk, glancing between Galm and Chilled as we waited for Smarty.  Chilled was talking with Galm occasionally, laughing over things. Wow, I couldn’t keep my eyes from his wide smile, the way his eyes closed like crescent moons, leaning back im his chair. God, I can't think straight. I've known this guy for less than 24 hours and I can't help but sneak childish glanced at his face. He's utterly charming. There's something oddly reassuring about his presence which leaves me wanting more. His ruffled hair, dark eyes and scruffy beard. There was a distant knock from Chilled's end, his face freezing briefly before kicking into action,

"Smarty's here,” he spoke hearing the prominent knocking on the door, “we'll call you guys later,” I waved at the camera, “see ya!”

Before either of us could respond, he hung up the call leaving me and Galm together. Fuck, should I tell Galm or should,

"Galm," I slowly trailed off.

What am I doing? He's Galm's friend, it's not appropriate, I shouldn’t be thinking this stuff. I don’t even know what this stuff means. I just, like his presence.

"Uh,” I murmured, clearing my throat.

"Say what you have to say," Galm insisted.

Say what I have to say? I,

"actually," I hesitated, "I don't know."

Galm squinted, examining my expression, this feels wrong,

"Ze, tell me."

"It's just," I shook my head feeling my cheeks grow crimson at the thought of Chilled, "fuck, he's hot."

"Who exactly?" Galm laughed with a curious glance.

Who does he think?

"Chilled!" I exclaimed rapidly, pushing my chair back, he’s more than just his looks.

Galm furrowed his brows momentarily before a sigh left his lips,

“only you can like someone after just meeting them.”

Yep, only me could do that. A true weakness. I let out a long whine,

"I just, when he’s there, I get nervous but like, not like leaving the house nervous, more like waiting for a takeaway nervous,”

Galm let out a head laugh at my choice of words. It made sense to me, maybe not to him. Suddenly a photo popped up in the group chat, hm? I glanced at it, my mouth practically dropping open. Chilled was standing in front of a mirror, playing with his hair. How is it possibly for someone to be that cute attractive?  I let out a small groan in frustration as I examined the photo closely. Fuck me, literally. I hearted the photo as the only way to express my emotions.

"Ew,” Galm shivered, “don’t ever make that noise again."

I chuckled,

"I'm sorry, he just kind of took my breath away."

"So, you like him,” Galm spoke with a shrug, “what are you going to do about it?”

I had no idea. I struggle to convey my feelings through words. But I knew one thing,

"I wouldn't mind if he treated me the same way as he does his hair.”

Galm groaned shaking his head,

"I don't even understand that and I don't even want to know.”

"I mean, he's playing with his hair so I'm saying I wouldn't mind if he would play with me, if you know what I,” I tried to explain, my heart beating faster at the thought, before Galm threw his arms up in retaliation.

"Stop,” Galm begged, “hearing those things from you, just,” he shivered letting out a breathy gasp, “is like hearing a child curse, it's odd.”

Through his disgust I could see a small smile on Galm's face, he didn’t entirely mean what he said.

"I want to say go for it,” Galm slowly spoke leaning forward, “but,” there’s a but, “you're my friend, I want to look out for you,” look out for me?

Why would I need looking out for?

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly, does he have a dark past? "is there something I should know about?"

Is he secretly a murderer? Part of a gang? Has, does, does he have a girlfriend already? My heart was cracking the more I thought.

"No, no,” Galm admitted, “it's not him,” what is it then? “it's you,” me?

I bit my lip in anticipation, watching him talk. Fuck. I know exactly what he meant.

"You don't exactly have the best taste in men,” Galm explained slowly, he’s not wrong, “so, if you're interested in Chilled,” he sighed, “then, you know,” his voice trailed off.

I know. But Chilled seems different. He has to be different.

"I just thought,” I shifted in my seat glancing at Chilled’s photo, “maybe he's different."

Galm scoffed a tiny bit, huh? What was that for? I furrowed my brows at Galm, as he explained himself,

"he has, some issues,” issues? Galm carried on calmly, “he gets angry, a lot, over ridiculous thing,” but everyone gets angry?

"Do you mean,” oh, “aggressively angry?" I asked, frowning as I hoped for the best.

"I've never stayed with him long enough to witness anything,” Galm explained, “but, I’ve heard stories from Smarty,” stories?

"Well,” stories are just stories, “I’ll just approach cautiously?"

He’s like a puppy, right? So, if I just show I have good intentions, he’ll return them. I hope.

"Sure,” Galm shrugged, “Chilled is a great guy but just like,” he frowned to himself, “be careful,” be careful? “you’re my best mate. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

Hurt? There’s no way in hell I’d get hurt. Not again.

"I understand," I smiled at Galm, “thank you.”

[edited] ZeRoyalChaos - The TruthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang