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-Chapter 12-
-Chilled's POV-

I sat there, in my seat, as a heated mess. What the fuck just happened? I didn’t mean to go that far. I, just, I. I looked up to Galm’s shocked expression,

"you're such an arsehole,” arsehole?

"I'm sorry but, he brought it up,” I defended myself.

Galm brought up his hands in defeat,

"he deserves so much better than this,” he tattered, “fuck you man. I hope you feel bad about yourself."

Galm left the call. Why would I feel bad? It was Ze's fault for antagonising me, he officially started it, I just ended it. Fuck them, man. I can't be having people like that around me. I shut off my computer, sending Smarty a quick text, he better accept my apology. He’s the only one here.

Meet me, Calvin's Cave, 20 minutes.

I grabbed my coat and wallet, before leaving my place. Checking my phone every few minutes to see if Smarty had replied. Why isn't he answering me? I rang him, holding the phone to my ear as I walked. Beep by beep rang until a voice eventually picked up,


"Smarty? Where are you?" I growled.

"Sorry? I don't understand," Smarty replied sourly.

"Meet me, Calvin's Cave, 15 minutes. Now," I demanded.

There was a scoff on the other side of the phone,

"christ Chilled, you’re a dick, why do you expect me to meet you?”


“Because I met you when you were being a dick,” simple.

Smarty became silent, his words faltering,


"Exactly,” I hissed.

"I'll meet you there," Smarty muttered, hanging up.

I reached the destination. A small, cosy bar on the corner of a street. Heading inside, I ordered a drink, taking a seat. I occasionally checked my phone, minutes then hours going by as I necked drinks continuously. Abruptly a chair beside me pulled out, I glanced up to see Smarty's soft expression.

"Took your time,” I muttered, downing my drink once again.

Smarty took a seat, sighing and gesturing at the glasses gathered on the table,

"hard day?" I went to speak but he beat me to it, “it was sarcastic, I know exactly what you’ve been up to.”

Right. I raised my hand to order another drink yet Smarty grabbed my wrist, unsuccessfully pulling it down, accepting my strength, he stuck his hand up along mine,

“make it two."

I squinted at him, air leaving my lungs momentarily. Neither of us enjoyed drinking, but we both had the habit of drinking when things got, complicated. Smarty smiled softly, turning away to look at the table with crossed arms,

"Chilled,” he shuffled in his seat awkwardly, drinks arriving in front of us, “thanks,” he cleared his throat turning to me, “you’re an actual child,” wow, I wasn’t expecting that, I parted my lips to argue yet Smarty lifted a finger, “don’t speak, you’ll ruin it,” he sighed, “you are a mean guy,” cheers man, “like, you are incredibly rude. The way you spoke to Ze, when he was asking for help, was over the line,” right but that wasn’t my fault, “and Galm, holy shit, Galm does nothing but help you, he would physically let you get away with murder,” he would, I knew that, “so, step down from your throne and look how we, as your friends, feel, okay?”

Replaying Smarty’s rant in my head, I became filled with guilt. I didn’t realise how harsh I had been. I could tell he was serious about this. Okay, I need to sort this out.

"I don't know what to say,” I whispered, lowering my head into my hands.

"Good,” Smarty scoffed, throwing back his drink, "maybe you could start off with an apology.”

An apology.

"Do you really think he'd accept an apology from a drunken fella?" I tutted, “he deserves so much more than sloppy begging."

Smarty held out his phone,

"do something,” do something? “doing nothing is going to kill him."

Right. I slowly took Smarty's phone, furrowing my brows. Do something. Something to apologise to Ze. I can't think of anything. He deserves the world; I can't give, that to him. Maybe I can give him things that the world provides. My fingers moved wildly as I lost any sense of reality. I looked up from my seat on the couch glancing around, what, when,

"where am I?"

Smarty lifted his head from his place on the ground in front of the tv,

"you passed out mate, I brought you home,” I passed out?

Smarty reached for the coffee table, passing me a glass of water while throwing a blanket to me,

"sleep it off.”

I take his offerings with no hesitation. Gulping back the water them dropped my head against the couch’s comfort. I pulled the blanket over myself, closing my eyes,

"I need to call Ze, and, ask him how his day went."

Smarty shushed me, I need,

"I'd wait a couple of days before talking to him,” I need to, call him.

I gave a small nod, not fully processing his words. A couple of days. Can I wait that long?

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