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-Chapter 8-
-Chilled's POV-

I stumbled into my flat, hiccupping as I struggled to lock the door behind me. Fuck, how long was I out for? I checked my phone, squinting harshly as the brightness hurt my eyes. It's 3:29am. I sighed, making my way to my bed, leaning against the wall for support. How much did I drink? I don't remember drinking. Pulling my clothes off, I tumbled over the clothes already on the ground before steadying myself. I laughed weakly at my actions, I thought I would've sobered up after dropping Smarty off. But it seems not. I threw myself into my bed staring up at the ceiling which seemingly wavered in the darkness. I want to see him. No, I grabbed my phone, I need to see him. I held my phone at arm's length above my head as I struggled to type a readable message,

Call, now.

I didn't have to wait a second for a reply,


What a good boy. I smirked heavily as inappropriate thoughts of Ze rushed through my mind, I wonder what he would look like obliging to my every command. Fucking, hot. I clicked the dial button, turning on my side, allowing the camera to load up. I can't wait to see his face. It rang several times before Ze answered.

"Ze," I spoke in a drunken haze.

His camera loaded up, his expression confused mixed with an absence of cuteness,

"what's up?"

What's up, what's up? What's up is the fact you're incredibly stunning. I sighed at him, a grin obvious in my face as I examined his eyes glowing through his messy hair,

"you really are an angel."

His cheeks instantly grew red as he turned away from the screen,

"w, what?"

That. That expression. I leaned up onto my elbows,

"I'd do anything," I began to mutter watching him helplessly squirm in his seat, "anything, to have you," in every way that mattered.

At this point. I had lost every moral bone in my body; every thought process was being released from my lips. I, forgot why I even called him in the first place.

"Chilled," Ze spoke in a low growl, turning to face the screen seeming to have controlled himself, "are you drunk?"

Drunk? No, I, don't drink.

"You'd have to come over if you want to find out," I teased pulling my hair back with a smirk.

"I can't, you dumbass," a frown infected his charming features, "you're miles away."

No. Get rid of that. It's, ruining everything, hurting my heart. I furrowed my brows, grabbing my jeans from the floor, hurriedly grabbing my wallet, holding it up to him, I'd do anything to get rid of that frown,

"I'll pay for it," I rapidly exclaimed, "you, come here, stay with me. Everything. I'll pay."

"You're drunk," Ze sighed shaking his head, "you're acting ridiculous."

No. This is me. This is what I want. I shifted further into my bed, moving a pillow beside me so I could rest my phone against it, Ze watching me as I did,

"this," I paused smiling my softly, "feels like the real thing."

Ze shook his head, a weak chuckle leaving his lips, as his mattered hair flew side to side covering his embarrassed expression,

"Chilled," no.

"Maybe I need to get my point across," I muttered, if he doesn't understand the simple way.

Ze's eyes widened, as he lifted his hands, ah, his hands are so small. They look, soft.

"No, no," he insisted, "I, like this approach."

He likes this? Fuck yes! I sprung up, the blanket slipping from my chest exposing my skin to the cold air around. Wow. It's colder than I thought, but this feels great. I arched my head back at the sensation of coldness, contrasting with my body heat. It feels like a freezing hug. I open my eyes, to look at Ze, I wish he could hug me. He was sat there, mouth parted and eyes wide. I grinned, I guess he's thinking the same,

"god, I'd love to know what approaches you like."

"N, no," Ze hesitantly choked out, "just because you're really attractive and, obviously, work out, you can't rely on those when," he paused becoming quiet, "when it comes to flirting."

Flirting, he's caught on huh, cute. I smirked heavily,

"tell me what you want, I'll give it to you."

He thought for a moment before speaking,

"well, maybe, you could start by telling me some hobbies you enjoy?"

Hobbies? How can I focus on talking when he's sat there, red faced and stuttering? I was getting to him, but I can't get to him unless I speak to him.

"There's games, as you know," I flexed my arms a little as I spoke next, "I enjoy working out," oh and, "dogs, I love, especially playful ones," I might as well be playful myself, "and I enjoy cuddling, a lot."

Ze furrowed his brows slowly before holding out his hand to the screen, huh?

"Hi Chilled, it's nice to meet you," he pulled his hand back smiling, "I also enjoy gaming," I know that, "and could probably do with working out but I don't," he looks good though, "I like dogs, especially cuddly ones, and," he cleared his throat, lowering his voice, "I like to, cuddle, too."

I grinned after hearing his words, this is amazing, it feels like a date,

"It's nice to meet you Ze. It'd be even nicer to e,"

"Stop," Ze blurted, cutting me off, "look mister, you are drunk and I cannot take advantage of you," so he's already aware of my sneakiness, "and as incredibly handsome, and charming you are," he blushed as he spoke, "you need to sleep."

I sighed shooting a quick wink at him,
"the Princess gets, what the Princess wants."

Ze chuckled shaking his head,

"goodnight Chilled, sleep well," I smiled at him as he proceeded to hang up.

Absolutely adorable. As my head it the pillow, it felt as if it never stopped falling, my body zoning out as I focused on the repetition of Ze's voice.

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