C 24

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-Chapter 24-

-Ze's POV-

Tugging the edges of my sleeves, I glanced nervously at the reflection in the mirror, my breath leaving shakily from my lips. Is this really happening? Chilled physically asked me out, I wasn't dreaming, right?

"Adorable," a voice teased from the doorway.

My eyes shot over to meet Chilled's eyes taking me in, I, heat grew in my cheeks causing me to lower my gaze to the ground,

"are, you ready?"

"For you?" he continued to tease, the sound of his movement filling the hallway as his feet came into my view, uh oh, "always," his fingers pried against my chin lifting my face to his, this, is embarrassing, "are you ready?"

Was I ready? I weakly nodded watching his eyes scavenge my unspoken obedience. He grinned, pulling his hand away leaving me with a lack of satisfaction, fuck. He looped his fingers into mine as he led me from the apartment.

"Shouldn't we, uh, tell Galm we," I started to speak but my words wouldn't form properly.

"Nope," Chilled insisted, "it's our date, not his," right.

After yesterday, I wasn't sure whether it was worth me siding with Galm, not if Chilled would be disappointed in me. Chilled had led us to a nearby café, not the one we had first met at, another one, this one was cutesy with rather floral decorations. I, I glanced up to Chilled who was searching for an appropriate table, I didn't think he was this type of guy.

"Ze," Chilled spoke, my eyes met his, "is here okay?"

I glanced to the table he was gesturing to. It was directly centre of the café. I,

"of course," I smiled, what if people saw us?

Chilled returned the smile, pulling a chair out gesturing to me to take it. I slid into it,

"thank you," watching him take his own opposite me, "do, do you come here often then?"

Chilled chuckled at my question, what was funny about it?

"No, not at all," he admitted through a smile, "I've always," he glanced around with a sparkle in his eyes, "wanted to come here, and now," he gazed back towards me, my heart thumping aggressively in my chest, "I'm here with you."

I let out a soft laugh as heat grew in my cheeks,

"thank you," I looked down at the table, thank you for choosing me.

"It's crazy to think this, but,' I met his gaze staring at me chillingly, what was he thinking? 'I never thought I'd be sat here,' he gestured around, 'a romantic café, with,' he gestured to me tilting his head admiringly, 'such a cute date,' my heart burned at his words, he really thought I was cute?

I struggled to form words with the lingering embarrassment from his, this guy. There was really no way to outdo him. My eyes met the face of the distracted man before me who was ordering our food as I sat silently,

'Ze,' I hummed as he looked up to me, a distant smirk on his face, he knew I had been staring this whole time, 'anything you'd like in particular?'

'You can pick,' I suggested with a smile, despite our lack of knowledge for one another, something told me I could trust him with this small decision.

Chilled nodded turning back to the waitress. His lips moving slowly, his eyes bright with excitement, fuck, my eyes lowered to his collared shirt and knitted sweater, he's incredibly out of my league. I tilted my head, a new smile on Chilled's face, is he messing with me? All of this, the teasing, the hints of jealousy, was this all a joke he was playing? I bit my lip distracted by my thoughts, my eyes dropping to the neatly arranged table decorations, no, Chilled isn't like that. He's honest, he'd tell me if this wasn't real.

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