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Time passed, it was a week since the day they stopped talking to each other. They both thought that not talking to each other will hurt only in the beginning, then they'll get used and it will feel normal, but it didn't. It actually felt even worse with every day.

Chuuya seemed to be holding on sonehow, but that was nothing but the mask he keeped on all the time he was away from his home. He felt bad. And not just that, he had that ugly feeling that could be described as the feeling of your chest being torn apart and your heart being taken away from your body, this was the pain he felt every single time he looked at Dazai. Chuuya always kept that not interested, bored face with not a single emotion on.

On the other side, Dazai was a good actor. He seemed all happy and cheerful. But his acting skills were never good enough to blame Oda. His acts maybe changed only a tiny bit, but there was that spark in his eyes missing. Oda tried many times to get his best friend to tell him what's happening, but the answer was always the same: ,,Nothing that important"

It's what Dazai said. Why? Why he didn't telk him how things really are? Maybe it was because it was embarrasing. Maybe he would do when he'll figure out what the true about Chuuya really is. And maybe it was just because he was simply confused by his own feelings.


Dazai was not really an impatient kind of person, but he was not really patient as well. It seemed like he's not a single step closer to knowing the true that he was that week ago. He only made some friends, but the problem was that all of them were acting so fake so he couldn't even consider them being his friends.

He felt like this way he's getting nowhere. He just has to go right to the point and ask them when as many people as possible will hear that, because more people should mean more answers. But as a smart person he is, Dazai also had a plan B, which was asking every person that won't get to talk there, separately. He kind of hoped not to have to use this plan, he hoped to get answers as soon as possible.


It was a lunchtime, he was sitting on a roof top with around 10 people. Now or never. They were in between of some talk, Dazai didn't really listen to what they're saying, once in a time he just nodded to look like he agrees with whatever the dumbasses are saying. ,,Hey guys..." he started and instantly got all the attention. ,,I was just wondering... why is Chuuya-" he was interrupted by on of boys sitting there ,,Ya mean that short ginger weirdo?" It sounded like the boy was talking about something awful that he yesterday stepped into. ,,Ye that guy... I mean" he was not sure of how to form his words so it will sound like he doesn't really care, he didn't want to spread some rumors. Wait! How the fuck did he get the idea of runors spreading whenever he mentions Chuuya? (Of coure we all already know ~)

,,Why does he spend all the time by himself?" He finally said that, but he was thinking he should have said it with less caring voice, but we all know, how this life works. Whatever you say or do, there's no coming back.

,,Because we don't want him here." One girl - that by the way looked like a bitch - said with such fake and selfish sounding voice. ,,Why? Had he done something to you?" Dazai didn't really care what is voice sounds like. He was so tensed up and his heart was beating like crazy, which made him kind of confused, but not like he really cared since he was so close to getting answers. ,,I wanted to protect you from the cruel reality." The girl started, with such a fake yet dramatic voice. ,,But you still keep asking about that guy, you're not giving me a choice."

Now all tge eyes were on her, as if she was supposed to do something incredible. Dazai was nearly shaking by how close to having what he fought so hard for. The girl took a deep breath, then said ,,He may look like a normal boy, but not just a year ago he attacked me and Peter." She looked at the boy sitting next to her, who's name was Peter and he nodded. ,,We barely did something to him, we only said he's short and a very few more thibgs, when he attacked Peter and bet him upp 'till he cried. I wanted to call for help and that's probably the reason he attacked me as well. I don't remember too much, since he did hit my head, then everything became blurry. The guy's fucking strong."

Dazai was just staring with open mouth. Yes, Chuuya was not the kind of person to keep calm whatever was happening, that was more than obvious. But would he really do something like this? He didn't seem to be a merciful person, but still. This seemed to be too cruel to be true, he still didn't think Chuuya would attack somebody just because they said he's short and few more words. But what did they mean by few more words?

,,He somehow got much more quiet." One of those boys laughed. ,,I think it was not really the best idea to tell him out of nothing." ,,Yes but at least he will know who to talk to and who to avoid." They said tgese few things as if Dazai was not there. ,,I am just surprised." He said with that kind of voice that is incredibly hard to read. ,,I... I just don't think that Chuuya would do such thing." He sighted. ,,He did." Was the only answer he got before they had to return to their classroom.


Dazai was so unsure of who to trust. He could imagine Chuuya beating them up, but he didn't think he would do it for almost no reason. But he could imagine the others lying to get somebody on their side as well. It was a very hard choice to make, as he was realising more the more he was thinking about it. After all he decided to ask him about that. It's probably the only way to figure out what really happened.


Waiting for the last lesson to end seemed like eternity. Both, Dazai and Chuuya were only watching the clock on the wall, counting how many minuts they have to sit here before the lesson ends. Chuuya couldn't wait to leave school and go home, Dazai wanted to ask him about the things his classmates said.

As the sound of ringing bell, saying that the classes are ending, filled the whole school, nobody listened to teacher anymore. Everyone, including Dazai and Chuuya of course, started packing their things and when they were done, they left. Chuuya was one of the quicker ones, which meant that Dazai had to hurry up so he can talk to him today.

He ran out of classroom, the quickest way he remembered that leads outside, only hoping to don't get lost, since he was here only few days and still didn't know the building properly.

When he finally got outside, he saw Chuuya, walking away from school pretty quickly. He called his name, but the ginger didn't turn around. Dazai only hoped Chuuya didn't hear it, he didn't want the ginger male to by ignoring him. ,,Why the fuck are you calling that weirdo's name?" One of boys from his classroom asked, seemed kinda pissed off. ,,Isn't it simple? I want to talk to him."

,,So you didn't learn a single lesson from what we told you?" The other classmates started joining as well, as they were taking every way to escape away from Dazai. ,,We warned you about him." ,,You should never talk to him again." ,,But you probably are too dumb to listen to words we say, we have to learn you a real lesson." ,,Then, let's show our newbie what Chuuya did to us."

One of these boys said and pushed him to the ground. Other three helped him to hokd the poor boy so he couldn't move. Others started by punching him. His screams made all the birds fly away, but everything got even worse when one of them took out a small pocket knife. They started to make small cuts on his whole body, while Dazai was barely holding his tears.

,,I think he had enough." These were the most beautiful words that one of these bitches ever said. They finnaly stopped, one of those boys lifted Dazai's face and forced him to lok into his eyes. ,,And trust me, that bastard can go even further than we did, so if you didn't like this, you won't talk to him, alright?"

,,We are friends, Dazai-san. But you and Chuuya aren't. And you will never be. The ginger hates you." Dazai couldn't explain, why these words, that one of these girls said, did hurt him too much.

He waited for everyone to leave, then finally stood up. The moment he did, his head started spinning as hell. But he tried not to pay any attention to it, all he needed was to get home.

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