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Things usually are so easy to say, but when you have to do them, that's when all the struggles begin. And tbis wasn't any exception. Chuuya swore that he'll fix things between them, but how should he do it?

A phone call or a text message? What if the other blocked him already or he won't answer on purpose?

Go and talk to him? It may just end up like abother fight. Not just that, but also what should he say?

A letter? No. There's only a small chance of getting an answer...

No matter how much Chuuya wanted to avoid it, after all all the thoughts ended up only one way. All he can do is go and talk to him. But what shod he say? And what if Dazai will only tell him to piss off?


It's been a few days like this already, way longer than Dazai actually thought they can be. But once things start fucking up, they fuck up even more.

The other classmates did notice that something happened as well. Once they came up to Dazai just all of sudden.

,,oh did that so said friend of yours start hating you already? "

,,well how surprising... Obviously he found out you're no use to him"

No. Chuuya wasn't like this.

,,Well he might have done it but we won't. You didn't listen to our warnings about him being an asshole. Your bad... But you look quite cool so we're gonna give you one more chance" the bitch of bitches spoke.

,, You have one last chance to join us. Use it or we won't go easy on you anymore. "

Dazai only laughed. He laughed, but nobody could know what's actually going on inside of his mind.

,,You really think you're gonna manipulate me like this? Idiots."

,,Your bad. But we'll no longer go easy on you. And you don't even have your beloved protector. Pitiful..."

With those words, they finally left.


Is this what Chuuya was to him?



That's how it seemed. But was it truly that way? If so... They must've had such a miserable friendship if it fell apart this easily.


Finally what seemed like eternity has ended. Dazai was leaving school on his way home, but he couldn't get further than 200 meters before getting attacked by his classmates.

He tried to fight back. He gave them some punches and avoided those coming from them. But it wasn't enough. He couldn't fight 10 people at once. But it wasn't the most painful part. Actually with his pain tolerance, even when getting cut with knives several times, he didn't have the need to cry. The real pain was something else.

,,he left you"

,,did you really think you can be friends with somebody like him?"

,,in his eyes you're nothing at all"

,,if he was here, he wouldn't even bother helping you"

,,he would probably just watch"

,,maybe he would laugh at you. "

,,maybe he would join the fun"

,,do you think that he would enjoy seeing you suffer? "

,,if not, why is he making you feel so much pain?"

,,he hates you."

,,just accept it already"

Dazai came back home. This time he wasn't that lucky, since Odasaku saw that he was injured. But the only answer Dazai gave him was ,, It's nothing you should worry about"

Odasaku knew that at this point there's no chance of getting any information. Again. There only was one thing to say now.

,,Just don't do stupid decidions without thinking"


Sun was setting already and the sky was getting dark. Dazai stood in front of a tall building, taking one quick breath, then ringing a bell.

When he entered the building, he went to an elevator, then few floors up, through a long fancy hallway right to a huge door with 2 guards.

,,Osamu Dazai"

After saying his name, they let him in.

,,I knew you'll come back"

The sound of a familiar voice from his past.

,,teach me how to fight." his voice was a daring and determined one, almost sounding like a demand.

At first, the answer was nothing but laughter.

,,But you know, it won't be for free."

Well guess who's writing chapters at 4am instead of sleeping-

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